5 Simple Ways to Have an Exceptional Day

Everyone reading this wants to have an exceptional day, but today, this very day, how will you go about doing it?  Or better yet, you’re thinking about the day you will have tomorrow.  How will it be great?


Use these five tips to have an exceptional day

  1. Ask for help – Everyone is taking on a challenge at this very moment.   Providing solutions to this challenge is invigorating.  Collaboration is even more energizing.  Don’t take on the world’s problems by yourself.  State your case and ask for help.  Chances are a solution is waiting for you just around the corner you weren’t willing to peek around.
  2. Go out of your way to thank someone – If you’d like to feel more great, make someone else feel great.  The best way to do this in my opinion is unexpected thankfulness.  Putting a smile on someone else’s face will put a smile on your own.
  3. Say I love you – If this seems so simple, why is it so damn hard to do?  Seriously.  How often do we get to the point of saying, I never really told that person how I really feel.  I don’t care if it is long overdue for your: Mom, Dad, sibling, or coworker.  Let them know.
  4. Apologize – I heard a word about a week ago and it felt terrible.  The word was, “resentment” and it is a heavy word.  Emotionally we can’t afford to carry around these boulders.  The drain they cause on you and I is too costly to measure.  Say you’re sorry.
  5. Sell Something – That’s right!  Sell an idea, a client, a passion, a thought process, your new shoe style, hairdo, just sell something.  Selling is in everyone and every thing.  Do not tell me you can’t sell anything.  You’re selling me on what you can’t do.  Selling makes the world go round and it involves passion.  When you sell, you ignite your passion and you win.  Nothing feels much better than winning.  Get out and win.

ACTION ITEM: Please keep this post handy for when you need a tune up.  I’d also really appreciate it if you’d share with those you care about and care about you.  We all can have a better day tomorrow.



31 Things I Learned Turning 32

Yesterday (March 15) was my birthday.  Beware the Ides of March.  I took some time to reflect on the previous year and just where I’ve been. 31

The 31st year of my life was a really challenging and wonderful year.  Below is a list of 31 things I learned in the last 365 days.  I’ll also leave you with what I’m most looking forward to in the upcoming year.

1. Be myself – every day

2. Read more

3. Embrace fears – everyone is scared (Jay-Z)

4. Say “Thank You” more often

5. Ask more questions

6. Meditate often

7. Listen to more podcasts (most are FREE)

8. Help accomplish goals for others

9. Don’t take myself too seriously

10. Start more: projects, relationships and solutions

11. Launch a blog and share something great with the world (check!)

12. Waiting sucks – go now!

13. Buy a gift for an unsuspecting friend

14. Find a mentor or mentors

15. State your intentions clearly

16. Buy a drink for your friends

17. Don’t be the smartest guy in the room

18. Challenge yourself to get better every day

19. Goals are great, discipline is paramount

20. Get uncomfortable

21. Save a little for a rainy day

22. Eliminate average: thoughts, actions and people

23. Dress for success

24. Ask for help – no great thing was ever accomplished alone

25. The Masters (golf tournament) is a really magical place.  Thank you Juan for the tickets!

26. It’s okay to say NO

27. Tell a better story

28. Donating time can be more valuable than money

29. Take time to recharge

30. Don’t underestimate the power of prayer

31. The number of people who REALLY CARE is astounding.  Thank you to all of my friends!  I hope I can repay you.

Looking forward to year 32, I can tell you without reservation I’m most looking forward to being a dad.  Everyone tells me it’s a life changing event and I’m ready for the challenge.  Come August 2014, Beth and I will be welcoming another Keen Mind into the world.

ACTION ITEM: Take time to reflect on what you’ve learned in the last year.  I’d really love it if you’d share your thoughts in the comments below with our entire tribe.