I’m going to share with you a secret. I’ve been using this secret to unlock my happiness and momentum in 2021, coming off what was a challenging 2020 and 1st quarter of 2021.
The four pillars I’m going to share with you are helping to unlock my happiness, reduce tension and simply move through life with more ease, creating effortless momentum.
The Four Pillars:
- Exercise
- Sleep
- Hydration
- Meditation
I really hope at this point there is some eye-rolling happening…because of the simplicity of what was just shared.
Speaking on the note of simplicity for a moment, I find myself more in the pursuit of simplicity the older I get. I see it everywhere and when done well…it’s beautiful, its poetic and simplicity also produces power.
I look for simplicity in sports because of the rhythmic movement needed to produce a repeatable outcome. Here are a few of my favorites.
- Ray Allen’s Jump Shot – Simple. Beautiful. No wasted movement. Poetic. SPLASH!
- Louis Oosthuizen’s Golf Swing. Simple. Compact. Powerful.
- Barry Bonds Swing – (yes he was juiced on horse steroids), but even prior to those record setting years his swing was simple. Compact. Extremely effective.
- Aaron Rodgers Passing Motion – Yes his god-given talent is likely off the charts, but the ease in which he flicks the ball is so fun to watch (and I’m a Bears fan).
In 2020 I found myself lacking in the simple execution of paying my daily debt to the four pillars, leaving me feeling less than my best self, and (I believe) setting flare to my autoimmune disease. A loss of momentum can snowball.
It’s pretty easy to figure out really. Too much stress, too little exercise, poor sleep, and under hydrating myself lead to a lifestyle I personally can’t sustain. Neither can you I’d argue. I’m also thinking more and more about health and general well-being coming off a year when many of us saw life through a very different lens. I don’t want to be that guy that waits til he’s 60 and their cardiologist says, “you gotta make some lifestyle changes Zac, or else…”
Why not start now?
I’ve adopted the thinking that I’d like to feel 20 again, but think like I’m 60. Interestingly, or ironically I’m about in the middle of those two numbers anyway, so maybe it’s just a realignment. Amazing what that does to a person’s perspective. Feel like you’re 20, think like you’re 60. What does that mean?
- Feel like 20 – To me this is about energy and enthusiasm. A playful and youthful exuberance to play offense in life and let the chips fall where they may.
- Think like 60 – This is about perspective. Cutting out petty annoyances and relationships. Barring anything tragic, life is a long game to be played. Think about it this way.
The daily practice of following my scorecard (exercise and meditation) along with staying hydrated get the last and most important piece – – – – – – > A good night of sleep.
I’d ask you to think deeply about the last time you had a great night of sleep? How did you feel the next day? What was your energy level like? How about your overall zest for life and creativity?
The question I started asking myself is what leads to a terrific night of sleep? It can’t really be 20 things. I kept coming back to four.
Exercise. Hydration. Meditation. Sleep.