I spent 45-60 mins listening to recent Tim Ferriss podcast with guest: Martha Beck. The resounding point I took away from my listen en route to a soccer game in frigid temps was this. Find Joy!
Pay close attention to the things, people, surroundings, events, activities that bring JOY! Follow them like the path of a wilderness tracker (which lead me to read the book: The Lion Tracker’s Guide to Life)
JOY in life is the goal. It’s not numerical. It’s not objective. Yet, we all have the skills to say, this “feels” right…or it doesn’t. Use these “feels” as a compass to draw you near, or steer you away from the path you find yourself on if it doesn’t bring JOY.
As luck would have it, I also stumbled across the Japanese word: Ikigai (from a LinkedIn Post). Shoutout to Matt Gray for this share, because I don’t know if I could’ve outlined my thoughts much better. And if “start a business” makes you feel uncomfortable, insert [find the career for you] in 2024! The same holds true.

Also on the Tim Ferriss show, the famous author Jim Collins, famously starting keeping track of his days in an incredibly simple scoring format of [-2, -1, 0, +1, or +2] days. Each day was catalogued with a simple note detailing what he was up to. What was he looking for? Where did it take him?
He was seeking JOY!: Jim knew he MUST spend 1,000 “creative hours” a year to find joy…to be happy.
We’re all on a path, but it doesn’t mean we need to stay there. Pay attention to the feels, and follow them wherever they may lead!!!