It’s that time of year.
I’m incredibly fortunate to work in a business that goes fairly idle around the holidays. Every year, I try to use the time to reflect, reconnect to my goals, and overall relax headed into the new year. In the last 8-10 days I’ve done just that.
But…my ambition usually gets the best of me just after Christmas and I become restless. I’m off thinking about bigger and better things in the year come. But before I get there, I’m going to reflect on 2024 targets.
- 250 Peloton Rides: Goal Accomplished! I’ll end the year around 300 total rides which makes sense with about 5-6 per week. Outside of the immediate health and fitness benefits, I feel better, sleep better and feel like I’m a better overall human after I’m off the bike, drenched in sweat.
- 15,000 Pull Ups: Goal Accomplished! I’ll land right around 16,000 and that’s with taking the last 2-3 weeks off dealing with some Elbow pain on the inside of my elbow (referred to as Golfer’s Elbow). I was hoping to get on to 17,000+ but with the recent pain and injury, I’ve been able to settle in to feeling accomplished on staying consistent enough to get to 16,000. [math = just over 50/day x 300 days]
- Scorecard Accountability: Accomplished! I remain very committed to keeping track of the right efforts based on key vitality indicators in my life. Meditation, Exercise, Church, Reading/Listening to Book, 24 Hr. Fasting, and Date Nights are all accounted for monthly. If I have one major room for improvement into 2025 it’s the Date Nights. I’ve got to do better here and have a few ideas to do that in 2025.
- Investing Goals: Mostly Accomplished. Without being too specific, I’ve got targets for personal savings and debt reduction that play into Net Worth and Financial Independence. I ensure monthly contributions to Vanguard brokerage accounts are met. The last piece I missed on was a Real Estate deal this year to invest in, but nothing penciled. That said, there are a couple opportunities on the front burner for 2025! The BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) of retiring by end of 2027 remains present and possible.
- Individual Coaching: Work to Do/Incomplete. I set a goal of coaching (3) people in 2024. I love discussing what drives others and how to get them to establish progress and harness momentum in pursuit of their goals. As Tony Robbins says, “Progress equals Happiness” and I love being part of the process. I need to get more specific on what this looks like in 2025.
All told 2024 was a year of tremendous progress toward BIG goals and a year where I continued to gain momentum and execute good habits with consistency.
If you happen to read for insight. I thank you.
If you shared content produced here. I thank you.
If you stumbled upon this content in 2024, I’m happy to see you.
Every year, I’m challenged with committing to continuing the storytelling. Wouldn’t you know it… just a week ago someone reached out and encouraged me to “Keep Going…it makes an impact!”
Enough said. See you in 2025!!