Give Give Give Strategy

I’m in the idea business.


The marketing world revolves around fresh ideas.  Success oftentimes follows the BIG idea or the breakthrough strategy delivering results for the client.  But that’s not all success follows.

I’m also in the business of: sales, sales training, education, mentorship, motivation, knowledge sharing, pastry delivery, ticket broker and anything relating to the next level of success or happiness for my clients.  If I’m truly committed to my clients’ successes, marketing can’t be the ONLY discipline worth sharing.

This is the give, give, give strategy.

Give more feedback, give a motivational video link, give more opportunities for growth, give more resources or knowledge so the client can benefit.   A word of warning to the greedy and self-centered.  This will not make you one penny directly today, but the indirect income I’ve earned over the years from this strategy is enormous.

There are three things every client on the face of the earth thinks before hiring you.  You must receive a resounding YES to all three to win.

  1. Do I like you?
  2. Do I trust you?
  3. Do I believe my money is best spent with you and your team?

One simple “No” response to any of these questions earns you the “We went another direction” email or phone call.  (THIS SUCKS)

Trust and relationships are forged over time and I believe that by giving all you have to offer, all your talents, all your knowledge and abilities, there stands the biggest room for success not only in the business, but in the relationship.  If you find yourself stuck in any client relationship I advise you to give more.  Then give more again.  It can’t go unnoticed or unappreciated.  History taught me great returns are earned from investing (Giving) a large amount upfront.

ACTION ITEM: Who can you give more to today?  If it’s not a client, make it a family member or friend in need.  Don’t give to expect something in return.  Do it because your passion demands it.

The Soundtrack for a Great Career

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This post was spurred buy the recent release of Gatorade’s wonderful tribute ad to Derek Jeter.  If you haven’t seen it, please watch it below.

The ad stood out to me immediately because the soundtrack of the execution is one of my favorite songs of all time, “My Way,” and easily my favorite Sinatra song.  More, much more than this, it reminded me of what I like to refer to as, the soundtrack of my career.  I pulled a couple key lines from every verse to truly emphasize the deep impact of this song.

 Verse 1 – Set the Stage

I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain
I’ve lived a life that’s full”

Verse 2 – Looking Back

“Regrets, I’ve had a few,
But then again, too few to mention”

Verse 3 – Facing Adversity

“But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out”

Verse 4 – No Regrets

“I’ve loved, I’ve laughed and cried,
I’ve had my fill, my share of losing”

 Verse 5 – My Way (entire verse)

“For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught,
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels,
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way!”

Here is a link to the complete “My Way” Lyrics

The reason I listen to this song often is to make sure I’m staying true to myself and my own personal soundtrack.  I believe many people spend far too much time living the life others set out for us.  I really don’t care what you do or what your pursuit is, just make sure you don’t lose yourself in the process.

Let this song be a reminder to be respectful, but also true to yourself and what you believe


ACTION ITEM: There is a famous quote I’ll share with you as I believe it relates to what Frank is saying to us all.

“If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs”


5 Simple Ways to Have an Exceptional Day

Everyone reading this wants to have an exceptional day, but today, this very day, how will you go about doing it?  Or better yet, you’re thinking about the day you will have tomorrow.  How will it be great?


Use these five tips to have an exceptional day

  1. Ask for help – Everyone is taking on a challenge at this very moment.   Providing solutions to this challenge is invigorating.  Collaboration is even more energizing.  Don’t take on the world’s problems by yourself.  State your case and ask for help.  Chances are a solution is waiting for you just around the corner you weren’t willing to peek around.
  2. Go out of your way to thank someone – If you’d like to feel more great, make someone else feel great.  The best way to do this in my opinion is unexpected thankfulness.  Putting a smile on someone else’s face will put a smile on your own.
  3. Say I love you – If this seems so simple, why is it so damn hard to do?  Seriously.  How often do we get to the point of saying, I never really told that person how I really feel.  I don’t care if it is long overdue for your: Mom, Dad, sibling, or coworker.  Let them know.
  4. Apologize – I heard a word about a week ago and it felt terrible.  The word was, “resentment” and it is a heavy word.  Emotionally we can’t afford to carry around these boulders.  The drain they cause on you and I is too costly to measure.  Say you’re sorry.
  5. Sell Something – That’s right!  Sell an idea, a client, a passion, a thought process, your new shoe style, hairdo, just sell something.  Selling is in everyone and every thing.  Do not tell me you can’t sell anything.  You’re selling me on what you can’t do.  Selling makes the world go round and it involves passion.  When you sell, you ignite your passion and you win.  Nothing feels much better than winning.  Get out and win.

ACTION ITEM: Please keep this post handy for when you need a tune up.  I’d also really appreciate it if you’d share with those you care about and care about you.  We all can have a better day tomorrow.



20 Minutes of Silence Changed My Life

Late in 2013 I had a life-altering experience.


I tried mediation for the first time.  First, I’d like to tell you exactly why I did it.

  • I was stressed out
  • Anxious/nervous frequently
  • I couldn’t shut my mind off at night to sleep
  • I couldn’t get a good night sleep
  • I felt worn down and tired
  • I wasn’t thinking as quickly and clearly as I needed to be
  • I clearly wasn’t being myself

If you’re feeling any of these currently, and want to change your life I believe meditation is the solution.  I’m now going to tell you exactly how I do it, as my process is a bit of a hybrid of what you may read elsewhere.

7 Keen Steps to Meditation

  1. Get Alone – I retreat down to my basement to a room that functions as my office from time to time.  The floor is carpeted and extremely comfy.  I close the door and begin my process.
  2. Shut Off The World – The only thing I take with me is my phone (which may sound counterproductive)  but it is turned to airplane mode so I can receive no calls or texts.
  3. Close Your Eyes – This will be challenging for some.  It was extremely challenging for me in the beginning.  The goal is to keep my eyes closed for the entire 20 minutes of meditation.
  4. Turn On the Noise – I use an app called Relax Melodies.  You can find it on the App Store for iPhone.  I turn on the sounds of: the ocean, a piano, a fire, etc.  It varies a little from time to time.  I’d also like to note I wear headphones at the time to tune out any other sound.  This helps me get a tremendous amount of focus and I set a timer for 20 or 25 minutes.
  5. Breathe – After reading a great deal about mediation this is something I crafted slightly on my own.  I start every setting with my legs crossed in standard meditation position.  I breathe in as much as I possibly can through my nose, until my lungs and stomach feel completely full.  I then slowly release the breath through pursed lips (like you would exhale through a straw) and count.  I try to get the count to 20 or 30 with each breath.
  6. Stretch – This is my unique rendition.  As I breathe I added in a stretching routine.  I did some basic research on the most beneficial stress relieving stretches.  A great deal of my routine involves loosening up my hamstrings, neck and back (where I carry my stress).
  7. Positive Talk/Prayer – I also use my 20 minutes of alone time to be thankful and reinforce my thoughts with positive talk.  This too is a unique wrinkle I’ve added to my routine.  It may or may not be for you.  I believe the more my mind is reinforced, the better performance I can expect from my own abilities.

So, how would I have described mediation before I started: weird, hippy, liberal, tree-hugger, yoga pants, eastern practice, etc.  But, after seeing Russell Simmons thoughts on mediation, and knowing Phil Jackson is a student of the practice I had to give it a try.  They seem to be pretty successful (insane understatement)!

Russell Simmons via Twitter (@UncleRUSH)

Russell Simmons via Twitter (@UncleRUSH)

ACTION ITEM: I hope you at least give mediation a try.  My life is measurably better because I adopted this ancient practice and I believe yours can be too.






Labor Day Advice from Sir Francis Drake

A day of rest is a wonderful time for reflection.

I came across this quote while reading a financial planning book last week and it hit me like a ton of bricks.  I think I’ve read it 10x since.  I couldn’t think of a better day than today to share it.  Enjoy the day off, but never settle.

Sir Francis Drake circa 1596

Sir Francis Drake

Disturb us O Lord when we are too well pleased with ourselves, when our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little, when we arrived safely because we sailed too close to the shore.

Disturb us O Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess we have lost our thirst for the waters of life: having fallen in love with life, we have ceased to dream of eternity.  And in our efforts to build a new earth, we have allowed our vision of the new Heaven to dim.

Disturb us O Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture to wider seas where storms will show your mastery; where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars.

We ask you to push back the horizons of our hopes; and to push us in the future in strength, courage, hope and love.
This we ask in the name of our Captain, who is Jesus Christ.

Sir Francis Drake’s prayer before he set out to be the first man to circumnavigate the world.  Portsmouth, England 1577.

I’m no sailer, but I am the captain of my ship for this one and only voyage.  I will keep this prayer with me for the remainder of my working days as a reminder to never get too comfortable.

ACTION ITEM: Share this thought with someone you care about who you know could be achieving more.  This could be just the piece of motivation they need.

Be Brief. Be Brilliant. Be Gone.

Brilliant Planning

Be Brief. Be Brilliant. Be Gone.

This is something I learned from a colleague about seven or eight years ago and I’ll never forget it.  I had to share it with the tribe as I believe in my soul it will help you.

I want you to think back to your last client meeting, big project presentation, or conference call.  What was the first thing to go completely haywire?

I’m not even going to guess, I’m going to tell you it was everyone’s collective attention span.  It’s the reason I’ve learned to keep my blog posts to around 400 words or less.  People don’t have the focus to remain engaged for a duration much longer than this.

Be Brief. Be Brilliant. Be Gone.

There is genius in these words.  Today’s supercharged social economy has us glued to our smart phones alerting us with: snaps, score alerts, texts, insta-awesome photos, and god forbid email.

Here’s how I think this will help you in your career.  Your clients and teammates are busy.  Real busy.  This must be understood and respected.

Ways to be more brief:

  1. Show up with a plan.  A really well thought out plan with execution as the focus.
  2. Get to the point.
  3. Use powerful visuals to represent your story/case/value proposition. People believe what they see and not what they hear(I believe this with all of my heart).
  4. Solve a problem.  Have a clear understanding of the challenge at hand.

Ways to be more brilliant:

  1. Rehearse.
  2. Deliver your story with more passion (by rehearsing).
  3. Hold the team and work to very high standards.  Don’t show up with average.
  4. See your pitch from the client eyes first.  Where would they find fault in your offering?
  5. Show you care.

Lastly, be gone:

  1. Give them something to say yes, or possibly more importantly “NO” to.
  2. Ask for immediate feedback.
  3. Don’t linger.  Move along.

Be Brief.  Be Brilliant.  Be Gone. With more wins in your pocket!

ACTION ITEM: Please consider these tips for your next client meeting and/or pitch.  Your client or team is begging you to do this, but maybe they haven’t told you yet.

Pull the Trigger I Dare You

We the people are a reflection of our habits.  Good habits and bad habits.  This quote should come as no surprise then.

Success Trigger

Success Trigger

The human brain isn’t exactly a VCR (if you’re old enough to know what this is), but it can be programmed almost exactly the same way.  So how can you accomplish this?

The answer is in your triggers.

What is a trigger?  Psychology defines it as, “A trigger is something that sets off a memory tape or flashback transporting the person back to the event of her/his original trauma.”  Triggers drive our habits and these habits run our lives.

How do I know?  I had a nasty tobacco habit for a few years, and it amplified as I introduced the habit to additional triggers.  I chewed tobacco when I had a long drive.  Then it became: when I golfed, mowed the lawn, read a book, etc.  Many of my activities throughout the day were impacted by the habit.  When the activity began, my brain triggered the need for nicotine and oral fixation.  I found out my biggest challenge when kicking the habit was preparing my mind for the guaranteed trigger reaction.  Conquer this and the habit would disappear, and it did.

I learned the same energy and focus could be applied to adding positive triggers to my life instead of only removing the negative.  I use these triggers to refuel my brain with: positivity, new insights, challenging viewpoints, and more positivity.  If you’re wondering why I listed positivity twice, it’s because there is so much damn negativity around I have to fight it off with twice the effort.

The mediums I utilize once the trigger is activated are:

  • YouTube Videos
  • Motivational Quotes
  • Podcasts
  • Audiobooks
  • Success blogs
  • Encouraging emails from clients
  • Cards from friends

The key is to understand your triggers and then insert a positive habit to reinforce the activity.  We’re creatures of habit and we have hundreds of them.  It shouldn’t be hard to find a time or activity to insert some positive mental training into your day.

ACTION ITEM: The time to start wiring your brain for positivity is today.  Science tells us it takes 21 days to create a habit.  If this is true, and you start today you will be a refreshed individual in three weeks time.  Make the choice to implement a new habit, you already have the triggers in place.


Stop Wishing for a Raise and Use These Four Steps

You want a raise? GREAT, so does everyone else!

 Wishing for a raise

Wishing for a raise

There is only one reason to read this post.  You believe deep down inside your belly you deserve to be paid more for your efforts.  I believe you.  You need to make more money.  It’s necessary for you, your spouse, and your family.

Did you know millions of people feel this very same way every day, and yet very few of them go home with the bump they were looking for.  They actually get more depressed because they don’t have a strategy to attack their climb.

So how do we get there?  First off, please stop with the word “deserve” in your plea for more coin.  I “deserve” a raise.  I feel like I deserve to drive a Ferrari, and yet, there is no Ferrari in the garage.  Deserving or not, this won’t get you the bump because it hasn’t produced results yet.

Four Steps to Getting a Pay Raise in 90 Days

  1. Alignment – For 99% of the workforce, getting paid more relies on someone else making the decision to pay you more money.  Therefore, we must understand the goals and visions of our company and more importantly our immediate team.  There isn’t a single manager in the world looking to pay someone more for making them look bad.  To get a raise, you must align your short term goals with goals of your manager or company.  I believe many people miss the mark on getting a better payday because they haven’t invested a minimal amount of time to determine these objectives.  They believe a raise is warranted for being busy, when this couldn’t be further from the truth.  This is the core and first step in claiming more cheddar on a money basis.
  2. Measurable – After you’ve determined two to three company goals you can personally impact, it’s time to add the powerful measurement objective.  If <this action> by <when>, I will receive <what>.  This should feel much better than having the vague conversation with your boss, “Sir, I’d like to discuss a pay raise.”  Also, please don’t think I’m talking to only salespeople.  They have a much easier path to getting a raise.  They should be able to give themselves one with a fair and accountable pay plan.  This advice is for everyone else who isn’t selling.   Lastly, don’t reveal these objectives to your boss just yet.  That’s what step three is for.
  3. Conversational – It is difficult to be in the position of a boss when someone says, “I’d like to discuss a raise.”  I feel it doesn’t put the employee or the employer in a good position for success.  It almost feels adversarial and you’re on the same team (hopefully).  So lets remove the tension and open the conversation.  It could go something like this.  “Mr. Boss Man, I’m looking to advance in my career and I’ve got a couple goals I’d love to share with you.  Do you have a minute?”  Assuming the answer is yes, move forward.  “I know as a company we are extremely focused on objectives 1, 2, and 3 correct?”  Reply – Yes.  “I believe I can positively impact these numbers in a great way in the next 90 days and I have a plan to do so.  In accomplishment of these objectives I’d love to discuss additional compensation for doing so.” Then sit there and shut up.  The conversation will begin and it will be much more organic and creative in terms of opportunities for additional compensation.
  4. CRUSH – Outside of alignment this is the second most missed tactic.  You can’t ask for more money and do mediocre work.  It’s just wrong and will feel extremely more lame to your boss.  If you align your target with the company goals, make it measurable, address it conversationally, but don’t deliver; it’s all for nothing.  You could actually SUCK at #1, 2, and 3 and still possibly get paid by crushing it.  I don’t advise going at it with this lack of planning or focus, but it actually can work and it’s why this is the last step. LEAVE NO DOUBT.  DELIVER.  CRUSH YOUR GOALS.

ACTION ITEM: I need you to start this process this week.  My goal with this post is to help one person, just one person make more money today!  You have 90 days to prove yourself and before you know it, the year will nearly be over.  The next thing I need you to do is share any successes you have with the tribe.  It will mean a great deal to me and the readers hearing from someone putting the practice to work.  Go get it!

Why a Mentor is a Must

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Think of what you’ve learned in the last year.  Now think about the last five years.

Chances are you learned some of it on your own(by making mistakes) and some just plain living life.  The rest may have been shown to you, like the first time you learned how to tie your shoes.  Think about that time for a moment; how exciting was it to learn a new skill?  What about mastering a new skill?  Human beings draw excitement, energy, and emotion from learning new things.

This is exactly why a mentor is a must.

A great mentor will provide insights for progress.  Progress is essential to human happiness, well-being, and an overall growth-focused mindset.  You show me a happy person, and I’ll likely find someone attacking new challenges with a tailwind of momentum behind them from previous victories.  If we were to discuss the latter side of happiness, I’ll show you a person stagnant, stuck in life’s challenges, and without direction.

A mentor will also help us refocus when we drift.  I was just listening to Michael Hyatt’s “This is Your Life” podcast and he addressed the topic of drift.  It’s a topic he just spoke on at the World Domination Summit just a short while ago.  From year to year, or even month to month we all experience drift in some form of our lives whether it be: spiritually, physically, mentally, or maritally.  Drift is a natural navigation or lack of focus away from our goals.  A great mentor will help you get back on the fast track.

If you’re interested in additional information on this topic here is an article by Inc Magazine, 6 Reasons You Need a Mentor.

On to the million dollar question.  How do I find a mentor?

Here are a couple of my personal recommendations when seeking mentorship.

  • Find someone who will give you inspiration, but also honest feedback
  • Find someone in your field you look up to or aspire to be
  • Find an individual genuinely interested in your success and more importantly growth
  • Find an leader who is gracious with their time

ACTION ITEM: If you don’t have one already, begin the mentor search.  It took me a couple years to hone in on the mentors I work with.  Secondly, aid the mentor’s process by sharing with them your life’s goals and aspirations.



Five Ways to Increase Your Luck


Who doesn’t want to be a little more lucky?

I’m not talking about winning a $100 million lottery jackpot either.  I’m talking about those little things.  You know, the teams or individuals who consistently get the ball to bounce in their direction at critical times over and over again. Wins and losses.  That type of lucky.

The best selling author, Jim Collins, explored the topic of luck in his latest NY Times best-selling book, Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck–Why Some Thrive Despite Them All.  It’s a fantastic read and one I definitely recommend.  

Lets face it, we’ve all said it.  “That guy is soooooo lucky,” we say to ourselves under our breath when we’re a jealous bystander to someone else’s success.  What we’re really saying is we wish we understood how to be more lucky in our own lives, and I’m not talking about hitting a few more 5’s on the blackjack table when dealt 15’s and 16’s.

Below are FIVE key elements I use to create my own luck:

  1. Learning: The more I continue to push myself to learn from a wide variety of individuals, the wider viewpoint I have when facing new opportunities.  No one can learn everything, so I have a tremendously long road ahead with no end in sight.  However, if I strive to learn a little more each day, I’m a great deal closer to my goal than I was a year ago.  The more I learn, the better prepared I am to see opportunities others may miss and manage challenges effectively.
  2. Outgoing: Help someone else get what they want and in most circumstances, you get what you want.  This just seems to be the way the world works, right?  I don’t know if I believe in karma, but the bucket containing the saying, “what goes around, comes around” holds water.
  3. Preparation: I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying from ancient philosopher Seneca, “luck is where preparation meets opportunity.”  I believe in it and think it’s why each of us is the creator of our own luck.  Those without luck aren’t creators and likely aren’t prepared.  The lucky not only have a plan, they have many plans in case a challenge or opportunity presents itself.
  4. Thrive in Uncertainty: Think about the word luck in relation to the outcome of an event.  You could say someone was “lucky” because their result or achievement didn’t meet the expected outcome prior to the result.  Could it also be true the “lucky” individual wasn’t afraid to attack uncertainty?  I believe there is a direct relationship.  We consider them lucky because in the beginning the opportunity looked a whole lot like sweat and hard work.  Everyone wants the end result of success, but not the aching gut of uncertainty and giving it all up for a chance.
  5. Double Down: If you want to increase your luck, you have to double down on your best talents.  Spend time doing only the one or two things at the top of your talent ladder and receive 2x the outcome in return.  I happen to play a little blackjack from time to time.  If I’m dealt a 10 or 11 and the house has dealt themselves a 16, I MUST double down the bet.  It is one of the only statistical advantages I have against the house to not only make 21 (and increase my odds of winning), but I’m also allowed to double (risk more on my wager).  If you’re not getting lucky enough, take a look at how you’re spending your time in relation to your talents.  There is a direct correlation.

Bonus Tip: Always double down on 10 or 11 in blackjack when the dealer is showing a 5 or a 6!

ACTION ITEM: Throw on a little Daft Punk, “Get Lucky”, and get down to business.  Use one or more of these tips this month and you will start to see an increase in your luck.