31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 15

DAY 15: Who have I made feel wonderful?

Day 15

ACTION ITEM: If you can’t answer this one quickly, you’ve got some work to do.  I know I do.

It’s extremely easy to become selfish in the world we live in.  Me, Me, Me!!  But I’m going to challenge you.  Think about the last time you did something truly wonderful for someone else.  How did that make YOU feel?

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 13

DAY 13: What are my world class talents?

Day 13

ACTION ITEM: I had a breakthrough moment in 2014.  What was it?  Stop doing shit you hate!  Instead, focus all your efforts and energy on what you’re great at and experience much bigger returns.   It may be only 2-3 things.  Do them and do them exceptionally well.  If you don’t believe me, here is a snapshot from my journal.

Snippet from Journal - What am I great at?

Snippet from Journal – What am I great at?

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 12

DAY 12: What can I do bigger in 2015

Day 12 ACTION ITEM: You can’t accomplish a goal that isn’t written down.  Start there.  Next, take a hard look at the goals and ask yourself if you’re selling yourself short?  Incremental increases in the right activity can lead to enormous leaps in results.

What do you have to lose?

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 11

DAY 11: What do I think about positively every day?

Day 11

ACTION ITEM: Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “We become what we think about all day long.”  We BECOME.  Our thoughts shape our actions.  Look around at your successful and happy peers. What thoughts run through their brains on a daily basis?

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 10

DAY 10: When did I last send a hand written note?

Day 10

ACTION ITEM: Great leaders in history share the unique feeling and obligation to put in writing their gratitude.  I’ve received hundreds of thousands of emails.  Few are saved.  I’ve saved nearly every hand written note I’ve ever received professionally and personally.  Hand written = effort and authenticity!

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 9

DAY 9: Who have I asked to challenge me lately?

Day 9

ACTION ITEM:  Believe it or not, some aren’t comfortable challenging you, your thoughts, or your actions.  Be the bigger leader and ask for them.  Ask them to challenge your thinking, remove the roadblock, and open the collaboration.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 8

DAY 8: How can I help you?  Right now!Day 8

ACTION ITEM:  (it helps if you sing this) “I get by with a little help from my friends,” wrote John Lennon and Sir Paul McCartney.  I’m guilty of not asking for help in times of need.  I know others feel the same way.  So I thought, If I can’t fix my own stubbornness, I can make the effort to help someone else.  Ask often, and ask with integrity to help.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 7

DAY 7: Am I making those around me better?

Day 7

ACTION ITEM: There are very successful people out there who have no problem creating momentum for themselves.  They may be reading this post (I hope they are).  This is a lonely race to run and a challenge I’ve struggled with.  The real success I was searching for, came in magnitudes much greater when I started working for everyone else.  Challenge, teach, encourage and build with high standards.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 6

DAY 6: How am I investing in myself this year?

Day 6

ACTION ITEM:  When you see the word “invest” think money.  Yes, I do think it is possible to get better without spending a dime, but it also lacks commitment.  Books, audiobooks, online courses, exercise classes, seminars,…do something!  Get invested in yourself or be prepared to live in the mediocre middle.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 5

DAY 5: What am I doing to get uncomfortable?Day 5

ACTION ITEM:  This just feels weird reading, doesn’t it?  Uncomfortable…I’d rather settle into this couch.  The US Navy SEALS train in the uncomfortable every day.  If you don’t know what “wet and sandy” is, I recommend Googling it.  The more uncomfortable the scenario, the more they are prepared for anything anyone can throw at them.  I’m certainly no SEAL, but I love the mindset.  Hooyah!!