Ditch New Year’s Resolutions for This!

It’s that time of year again. New Year. New Start. Even a new decade to press the reset button!

Image result for restart button

I think the reset button is a good thing.

Conversely, I think New Year’s resolutions are a tremendous waste of time. 

Lets face it…they’ve been proven not to work. Over, and over, and over again. Over 90% fail.  < – – – – That’s NOT good.

I’ve been wickedly fortunate in my career to have the ability to interact with some incredibly successful business and business leaders. What do businesses use to ensure they’re on track? 

I can promise you one thing, they don’t set New Year’s resolutions. 

They keep score of key business metrics. The good ones have a SCORECARD. A simple set of KEY metrics driving their business. 

So, that’s exactly what I’ve done here. Created my own personal scorecard. This scorecard is slightly different though. My scorecard is based on operational excellence personally. Optimal health, sleep, reduced stress, effective exercise, and so on.

What critical efforts do I need to invest in, so that I continue to  operate in a peak state?  For me, I’ve narrowed it down into four simple actions and appropriate monthly frequencies needed to be operating at a high level. 

  1. Meditation – Pretty simple. I stretch and work a breathing routine before bed…I sleep better. Period.  Better sleep, better attitude, better energy, better mood! Every other day and I’ll be operating at 100%
  2. Exercise – Kid’s schedules and travel can make this difficult, but 10 is VERY doable for me. Tired for all the right reasons leads to better sleep. See points above 
  3. Church – This is quite honestly good for my soul. I’m more at ease after I attend church. Certainly more grateful and more appreciative for all the blessings my family has. Goal is three out of four weeks a month
  4. Books – This one keeps me learning and fresh. Keeps me curious and generating new ideas from the lessons learned elsewhere.  One hard copy to turn pages and take notes, and one audible copy to knock out while exercising or traveling. 

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If you’re curious what “peak state” is for me it is pretty simple.  Optimal energy, derived from solid sleep, at the result of a really fulfilling and challenging day. 

My scorecard helps to: eliminate stress, reduce inflammation in my body, challenge me mentally and physically, and keeps me accountable in a highly visual way (< – – – Which I’m ALL about!!). Get selfish. This is about you! 

Complete a task, cross it off. 

ACTION ITEM: Ditch the resolution! Think, what makes me operate at a high level?  What do I need and at what frequency? No more than five critical efforts.

I’m going to bet if you give it a little thought, you’ll find it. 

More of This. Less of That

I’m getting the strong feeling as I get older…life continues to get a little easier. Not in the sense where everything layeth down in front of me at any wish. No. More so the fact that I’m REALLY beginning to understand what I do, and the direct impact these actions will have on my life (both positively and negatively).

Do you? If not, I’d really like you to consider spending a few minutes on the content below. 

I’m paying a great deal of attention to what makes me operate at a high level and also what truly brings me joy. What do I put in my body? Where do I spend time? What am I reading or listening to? Personally and professionally.

Conversely, I also know what brings me down and empties the tank. What wrecks my body and energy levels? 

All that said, I’ve put together a couple of lists.  What makes me feel great (do more of), what takes away from my energy or health (less of that).

Less of That: Eliminate. Eliminate. Eliminate. 

  • Fried Food: only in limited moderation. Albeit delicious, it simply doesn’t make me feel good that day, or the next. It also wreaks havoc on my finicky stomach and UC symptoms. Pretty easy to limit this intake with a little will power.
  • Alcohol: no hard alcohol for me. My body can’t take it. I still love to consume a cold beer or a glass of wine, but no liquor for me. Same goes here. My body doesn’t process it or handle it well. Moving on!  
  • Over investing in flaky relationships: You all know one or two. I’m done pouring energy into something expecting some sort of return, knowing it won’t happen. Again. It’s too exhausting. Once you know…no one’s fault beyond my own at this point. 
  • Busyness: I’m working on this one. Being plugged in “most” of the time is a real challenge. I think its a challenge to family, overall health, and wellbeing. I can definitely be a prisoner to my own ambition, so I’ve got to really be aware of this. Being honest, I’ll probably get out of whack occasionally, so I’ve got to have checks and balances in place to reset.
  • Negativity & a Focus on Outcomes I can’t control. I’m growing more and more tired of negativity. I’m also growing tired of the endless worry toward things so many dimensions beyond control.  Worry for the sake of worry.
  • Pursuit of Stuff: I’ve really got about all I want or need in life. I’m not interested in watches, or cars, or compiling needless stuff. Give me experiences and freedom of time and space. 

Now for the good stuff. 

More of This: Make the time. Invest the Energy! The dividends far exceed the investment

  1. Meditation: Frequency minimum 15x monthly. Or roughly every other day at minimum. It’s so simple and the benefits (I feel) are obvious on so many levels in my life. It’s a real force multiplier for me. I’m happier. I sleep better. My joints don’t hurt. I’m better with my kids. Any anxiety is small at best. I’m more creative and in flow with anything coming my way. Did I mention I’m Happier! 
  2. Church: Frequency minimum 3x month (or 3 of 4 Sundays a month). Again, I just feel better. I’m not really sure how to put this any other way or more simply. I feel better. Clear thoughts and maybe even a more clear conscience. 
  3. True Connection at a higher Level: I want to continue to elevate my peer and friend network. I will absolutely jump at the idea of connecting with other business leaders, business starters, and all around achievers…who also have clarity in their pursuit. It feels like fuel to me and every time I do this, i walk away energized and with a slew of ideas.
  4. Exercise and Steps: I don’t know why, but I’m fully into the 10,000 steps a day or else march. It’s helping bake in a quick walk or jog/run throughout the day. Although it’s a simple metric, it’s one where the divided is simple yet extremely valuable. Get up. Get on the move! This would also involve knocking out daily pull-ups, push ups, or maybe a few kettle bell swings. 
  5. Retreat to the Water: I’ve said it many times to my wife. Growing up and living in the midwest, a couple times a year you have to “go to the water”.  I don’t know why, but it’s good for my soul. I’ve got to bake these times into my calendar well in advance. No excuse not to. I’ve got thousands of airline miles and thousands of hotel points. Cost is NOT the issue. I need to get to the coasts or to the beach.  
  6. Time with Friends: Again ask my wife. If I haven’t had some interaction with close friends in too long of a stretch, I get antsy. Maybe even grumpy. OK, totally grumpy. I crave interaction even at the most basic level. It could be a night out for dinner, or a driveway, a fire pit, and a cooler of cold ones. Either works magic.
  7. Alone time: I get you are probably shaking your head at this or maybe even raising a curious eyebrow. If you’re thinking I’m getting selfish, I am…but hear me out. Some of the best thinking and exploration of self awareness has come when I’ve been alone and gotten brutally honest with myself. Alone time. An empty pad of paper and some music. Nothing else and certainly no expectations. 

Make your list and pay attention to it. I actually have a simple matrix to keep track of the essential. Helps me course correct before I get too far off the beaten path.

ACTION ITEM: Focus on the right inputs and the wheel of momentum always seems to turn faster. I know it does for me.

It’s Up to You

This year. This resolution. This habit. Whatever it is that’s hot in your mind right now…is up to you!

I chose to not wait for the new year to start my first habit/quest of 2019. I just finished listening to the book Mini Habits by Stephen Guise. It was recommended by the CEO of Traeger Grills Jeremy Andrus. (Thanks Scott Empringham for the recommendation!)

Starting on Dec. 26th, I began on a mission to complete 1,000 pull ups. As fast as possible, but with the minimum of 10 per day. The bar is in my basement. There is no real excuse standing in my way. Sooner I get to 1,000 the better. Every pull up completed gets a mark on the wall. I’m already past 150!

I often reflect back to Slight Edge principles when setting a target like this.

Easy to Do. Easy NOT to do.

Broken down into a daily mini-habit it is merely 10 a day, and that’s the bitch of it. It’s only 10 a day until I establish enough momentum to do 20, then 30, then who knows. But even at 10 a day I’ll be done by the end of February, and 1,000 pull ups into 2019. Nice little start to the year.

Do you know how long it takes me to do 10 pull ups? Probably 20 seconds. Maybe 30. It’s a joke if I don’t complete this by the end of January and yet that’s the funny thing about resolutions.

I’ll try and find reasons or days NOT to do it. It will be up to me!

Oddly enough, a friend of mine sent me a snap yesterday on New Year’s day sweating on his treadmill. Said he’s on a mission to run 1,000 miles this year…asked if I wanted in. I let him in on my 1,000 pull up challenge and here we are, already pushing each other along.

But here is the punch line. He’s not going to get my job done for me and I’m not going to run the miles for Josh. It’s up to me. It’s up to him.

Whatever stands in front of you in 2019 is going to be up to you. It’s not on your boss, or your spouse, or your team, or your kids, or your clients, or anyone other than you. If you get help along the way, fantastic!  But don’t count on it. Get there anyway.

ACTION ITEM: It’s up to me…so its up to me. Write it down, and go for it!

Ask me how I’m progressing toward my 1,000 goal. I can’t wait to tell you.



You Can’t Win With Scared Money

There is an old saying, one that I imagine was coined by some Maverick somewhere in the dusty desert confines of Las Vegas, Nevada.

You Can’t Win With Scared Money

I believe I heard it for the first time in my 20’s when playing blackjack. The cosmic duel in blackjack…to hit, or stay? Double down, or simply take the next card. Those of you “blackjack experts” are probably already screaming at your screen saying it is simply a math problem, which it very much is.

But so is every game in Las Vegas and any casino around the world. How do you think the house gets an advantage?

So what happens when the cards fall in your favor? There is no time to be scared. The point is to act and act with conviction.

You Can’t Win with Scared Money

Now the responsible side of me will also tell you, you can’t eat with reckless money either. Blackjack is a game built on math, but also surrounded by chance. So is life.

The randomness of the next card coming out of a blackjack shoe is similar to what will happen tomorrow. Odds are you may know, but you may also be very surprised.

I could list many times in my life when I’ve tried to win with scared money. I’ve probably “lost” or been dead before I started due to tension, fear, or anxious feelings numerous time. These examples happened in sports growing up and in college, relationships throughout life, business scenarios, presentations and the list goes on.

Fears are educated into us, and can, if we wish, be educated out.

Fear is 100% dependent on state. I just wrote about this in my last post Red State vs. Blue State. Change your state, change your life. If I think about being in a “Blue State” I’m free, I’m quick, witty, ready to ad lib. I’m flowing, loose, and probably most important…confident.

You Can’t Win With Scared Money. I’ll also add,

You can’t be stopped when acting in positive state.

I am only 36, but I’ve already lived through numerous events where it was my turn to act…many times with the cards in my favor. Some I’ve connected on. Some larger than others. Some I let pass right on by…choosing inaction for the fear of action, and what consequences said action may hold.

In every such scenario, hindsight provides certainty and sometimes regret. I hate regret, but it’s a real thing.

ACTION ITEM: Instead of using regret to get demotivated and steal your momentum, try to use it for reflection. Why do you feel the way you do and what about this scenario is likely to happen again? When it does, grab it by the throat with some confidence and really GO FOR IT. What’s the worst that can happen?





I’m Baaaaaack

For those of you asking…where did you go?

Here I am. Back on the blog.

I took a few months off to evaluate the direction of a few things in my life and this blog was one of them. To be completely candid with any of you readers, I wanted to know if it would be missed. Spending 50+ hours a week running a national media agency, trying to be a good dad & husband, time with friends, etc. All hours need to be evaluated.

Again, would the blog be missed?

If it wasn’t, or no one brought it up in 90 days, I knew a couple things. One of them was I wasn’t really impacting the lives of my tribe. In all reality, there wasn’t really a tribe if there was no appetite for consuming the content. Removing emotion from these findings was going to be key.  My Ego wanted the work to continue, but we all know Ego can be quite the adversary.

Secondly, I needed to recommit. Commit to continued ideation and thought sharing. Commit to pushing myself into new thoughts/ideas/strategies. Commit to sharing the ideas and impacting lives of my readers. In the end, that’s what it is about. Impact. Even if it is just one person.

I have this fear deeply ingrained in our office culture. We are a tight knit group, and If we part ways with a team member, or visa versa, my biggest fear is the following day…everyone moves on. They’re not missed. You need a team, a culture, a product that if removed…there is a void.  Otherwise, you didn’t have anything to begin with and the end is near.

On another related topic, I had a friend tell me I should start A Keen Mind podcast. Can you imagine listening to episodes of my boyish voice?!? Still evaluating that idea. To be totally honest…I’m really in love with it, because i think my talents are better suited for audio and storytelling than writing. That, and one of my favorite “jobs” would be sports talk radio host. Why not do it on my won, with the format I choose?

I actually considered turning the primary driver of the blog into podcast form. However, as I’ve said before in learnings from Derek Sivers (founder of CD Baby), if it isn’t a “HELL YES”, then the answer is “No.” I’m still evaluating.

PS – If any of you have strong feelings on this topic, please share honestly with me. Good or bad.

In the downtime I also took the time to consume some new content. A couple pieces specifically impacting my current mindset are:

  • As a Man Thinketh (audiobook) – 55 minutes of simple, yet, deep thinking
  • The Joe Rogan Experience – This guy’s commitment to his show, his craft, and the litany of guests/topics is energizing. I’m listening every morning to 5-10 minutes. Here is a link to some of his simple genius
  • All things Chris Sacca. If you don’t know who he is, get introduced on this Tim Ferriss Show episode.

Trusted old partners I continue to consume on a daily basis are still in play. Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferris, we haven’t met yet (YET!), but you continue to mentor and mold my day-to-day thoughts and actions. I also continue to listen to Ryan Holiday’s The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph about 1-2x per week as well.

A phrase you’ll hear me use around the office frequently with our team is “PLAY OFFENSE” – take the fight to the enemy. That’s what I’m here to do with A Keen Mind.

Play offense.



Living Life’s Contradictions

I believe, life is meant to be lived on both sides of the coin, not the extremely narrow margin on the rim…never tipping one way, or the other.

For goodness sakes…please try BOTH. Now!

How could one day, I act one way, and then, a short time later, be on the entire other side of the spectrum? Because I believe life is about managing both sides of a situation, learning from it, growing as a person, and living as a contradiction the entire time.

My life is one big contradiction.

Some people have a BIG problem with this. Like it was once written: a person can only stand for one thing, or act only one way for their entire life. I know what that sounds like…BORING.

Curious as to what I’m thinking about?  Here are the contradictions I’m living at this very moment.

  1. Money – I’m traditionally a very frugal person. I’m an investor, a saver, playing the long game. However, how do you know how many turns on this earth you get? None of us know. That being said, every so often I’ll spend money like a teenager with my first paycheck in hand. New Jeans – Yup.  New Sneakers – yup. New Johnston and Murphy – why not.  Anything else I can find in that 24 hr period. Contradiction. Yin and Yang. Stretch and reflex. Contradiction.
  2. Work-Life Balance – I’m not about finding 50/50 balance in the often talked about, seldom lived, zen world of “work-life balance”. I think “balance” is whatever makes a person happy. For me, that’s a few weeks in a row of being really into work. I mean INTO it, thinking about it in the morning, on the weekends, at night, etc. Studying it. Burying myself in the business and thinking about it. I love it. Conversely, a couple times a year I love just unplugging for a few days to clear the body and brain. No connection. No pitches or P&Ls. Stretch and Reflex. Contradiction. Balance so it seems, for me.
  3. Management – I’ve always believed a leader must lead from the front, and yet, can’t ever be afraid to jump in and “push the broom” so the saying goes. Alternatively, spend too much time in the details or “pushing the broom” and others can’t grow. Challenges in delegating show themselves like a bad skin rash. Contradiction…do both!  When and where it makes sense. Many aren’t comfortable with this grey advice.  I’m sorry. It’s reality. If there was a leadership equations for the 100’s of personalities out there, we’d of figured it out by now.
  4. Tortoise and Hare – There are places in my life I can think very long term and exercise tremendous patience. There are MANY others where I’m consistently impatient (ask my better half)…like REALLY impatient. Focusing every day on what can be moved, improved or accomplished now. Many small wins, compounded over time (Slight Edge Principles) is how the game is won. Consistently balancing the tight-wire of when to push, and when to pause and let be. Contradiction.  Be patient but also be ready to SPEED UP!!! FASTER FASTER.
  5. Time – I believe in investing in others. Investing in their hopes, dreams, causes, and helping think through troubles. Knowing that somewhere in the world, the good deed will come back my way and bear fruit because I’ve sure needed the help! Somehow. Someway.  Alternatively, and admittedly so (The Right Selfish), I can get very selfish with my time. Focusing much of my energy internally to audit my thoughts, feelings, and current path in life. It is a “Give and Keep” tug of war. Contradiction.

I believe humans need and thrive in some element of change and/or newness. Stay status quo and insurmountable boredom takes over. Ask any client who has fired an agency because, “they’re happy, but wanted to see something new” – that’s called losing!

Structure is good, but boredom is without a doubt the enemy of Thriving. Thriving is the key to happiness. This is why I live the contradiction. Balancing what works or normal on one hand, while not being afraid to cut ties and try something entirely opposite on the other. Why not?

That is balance for me.

It might not work for you or anyone else for that matter.  But that’s the point.

Find your balance.

ACTION ITEM: Find and embrace your contradictions. Balance ensues and you’ll grow in the process.

What Story Are You Committed To?

What story are you committed to telling yourself?

You know, the one about why you are exactly where you are today.  Maybe a better ask is understanding the question,”How did I end up here?”

  • Whose fault is that?
  • Who do you have to thank?
  • What stands, or stood in your way?

I’d like to tell you a story about a guy I know

He grew up in a pretty small town, fewer than 5,000 people. A place many would consider the “middle of no where.” As if that wasn’t enough, he grew up across the street from a prison with 1,500+ criminal offenders. Not exactly the place you think about for the “perfect childhood”or the playground across the street.

His parents worked very hard. His Mom commuted about 40 minutes each way to work for the government. Its a job she started early in her 20’s and one she would retire doing 35+ years later. Imagine 30+ years of that commute. Every day. No easy outs.

His Dad was a school teacher. Not exactly raking in the Benjamins and splashing 100’s on the table during vacations. That said, for the first 10-12 years of this child’s life his dad worked 5-6 days a week to supplement his family’s income in addition to his career as a teacher.  Doing the math, his Dad worked 70 hours a week or more.

As he grew up he was a good student, but never a genius. Maybe a bit of a daydreamer, and more than anything he loved doodling during class.

He went off to college and eventually into the real world of working, but not before interning for nine months. Nine months of working (for free) and didn’t earn one penny of income while in school. What a bad break to not make a single dollar.

He started working the day after college graduation making $24,000/yr. Doesn’t sound like much…

I wonder what ever happened to him…with a story like this?

Maybe you’d like another version?

I grew up in small town (Anamosa, IA) in the middle of no where, across the street from a prison (Anamosa State Penitentiary). It’s a really beautiful structure if you ever get the chance to see it. It resembles a castle, or you could swear it was used as the backdrop in Shawshank Redemption. My parents live there to this day and we have 24/7 surveillance and security. Even a couple snipers. Pretty tough to beat, unless you’re the president.

My parents worked so hard to give my sister and I the childhood we had. We were so rich with opportunity. Anything we wanted to try, they made available as a result of their hard work and dedication. I’m sure we heard no from time to time, but I don’t remember it.

My Dad worked those two jobs for all those years because he was unreasonable in the pursuit of giving my Mom, my sister and I a life we could make the most of. He sold the drywall business when we got to be a little older and when he hit 55, he retired as well. What a dream come true!

My Mom worked for 35+ years and is also retired. She earned every bit of it. If she wasn’t working, she was shuffling one of us two kids around somewhere, and I can’t ever remember her complaining about it for a second. Even when we were brats (maybe too often).

I was never the smartest guy in school, and I’m still not, but I continue to learn. Most importantly I’m learning to ask better questions. I also continue to sketch and doodle because that’s partially what I do for a career. I think it’s safe to say that part will never leave me.

I’m extremely thankful for my internship experience having worked those nine months for free because that experience got me my first real job and that first adult paycheck. That’s when things got real and I really started learning what business and selling was really about. Looking back, I made every penny back, and then some.

Long story long. My story isn’t worthy of a 10 minute local news piece, but that’s not the point. The point is all about mindset. I will always be a guy from a small town, and I’m also not afraid to walk the streets of Manhattan to compete for opportunity.

Are you without?  Is life happening to you?

Or, are you Grateful?

ACTION ITEM: Everyone is living out the story they’re committed to this very moment. Your story —->Your Life

What’s happening in your life today, is a direct result of mindset, and the story you’re committed to.

Change your story, change the outcomes!