My Results. My Intentions

The King of Pop stated it simply,

“I’m starting with the Man in the mirror, I’m asking him to change his ways”

I am the Man in the Mirror. The reflection of the results I see, are a direct output of my intentions from 2022. David Goggins in his book, Can’t Hurt Me, spoke to himself through the reflection of his Accountability Mirror. The mirror doesn’t tell lies or have feelings or stories. The mirror and the reflection it produces only reflects the truth.

As I move forward into a new year, I will NOT be stating a New Year’s Resolution.

Instead, I’ll be writing down and reinforcing my intentions for the days and weeks ahead. Sum all these efforts together and I’ll have a year’s worth of progress.

Tony Robbins has a wonderful saying and I think it jumps off the page in relationship to this post.

We don’t get our shoulds…but we get our MUSTS!

Although this is obvious and I love it, I feel like intentions can sometimes be more subtle. Here are a few examples:

  • I “Never” miss an episode of ______________________ (that’s focus intention)
  • Wednesdays are my boys night where we meet up and have a cocktail (that’s time intention)
  • I’ve got to have the newest _________________ (that’s spend intention)
  • I always have a beer watching the game (that’s body/diet intention)
  • The 2nd Thursday of every month is date-night for my wife and I (that’s balance/relationship intention)
  • Wednesday mornings I time block to study and look deeper into my business (that’s time intention)
  • July is the month we always take a week-long family vacation (that’s balance intention)
  • I try to never miss a day without a green smoothie (that’s diet intention)

None are good. None are bad. They are simply focused choices.

We all have the same amount of time.

That’s the mindf*ck of it all. If you want to get super deep in the idea of time management listen to this Ed Mylett podcast [Respect and Protect Your Time] with guest Rob Dyrdek. Rob has gotten maniacal with the focused distribution of his most valuable resource: Time.

As I head into 2023, I’ll be refining my intentions for the the Warrior’s Way and making daily progress on: Body, Being, Balance, and Business.

If I start a post with MJ, I’ll end with MJ.

If you want to make the world a better place, better look at yourself and make a change

I know what I want and I’ll get after it with intention. Results are certain to follow.

Hit me up with feedback

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