Jerry Maguire, Seth Godin, and the $90 Fear

I certainly hope you’re wondering what Jerry Maguire, Seth Godin, and cash have in common with fear.  Allow me a moment to explain.

I spent a couple weeks up late at night scheming and planning.  I’d been sketching and strategizing toward the final stages of my big idea and presentation to our owners.

I’d done my research and there was undoubtedly merit to the plan.  Two core business elements would be repackaged and sold as a combined offering to our clients.  The client would benefit and so would our business.

As stated, I spent a couple weeks working through the particulars: sales, training, process, execution, client enrollment, external marketing and internal marketing.  All of these elements were combined into one well thought out plan (my opinion) ready to be put in front of our ownership the day before everyone departed for Thanksgiving.

bb360634fb28151dcbf284acb1dc71b6839d21d7b039fc17a12a3048179f6a60Imagine something along the lines of Jerry Maguire, without getting fired afterward of course.

I ventured off to Copyworks the evening before the presentation to ensure I had professionally bound materials ready for the following morning.  I was going to have eight of the documents printed in sharp color and bound for an expert touch.  To be taken seriously I was going to make serious moves!

When the booklets were completed the charming yet shy girl at the front desk asked me how I’d like to pay for the books.  I politely asked if she took American Express and replied with, “Yes, it will be $90 sir.”

WHAT?!?!  Are there gold leafs in the booklets?  How on earth could this cost $90?

I was confused, frustrated, and for some reason embarrassed.  Maybe I should’ve asked (before I was in such a hurry – typical me!) what the price was, but it was a little too late for that.  I handed her my credit card and she completed the transaction.  There were a couple of books remaining to be assembled so I grabbed a seat in a stodgy old chair by the front store window.

I starred off into the cold dreary street and I got to thinking.  Was I really upset about the $90?  I certainly shouldn’t be.  I mean, I had the $90 and I knew it was going to cost something.  I didn’t plan on bartering for the goods.  That’s when the real question hit me.

“Zac, do you think your idea is worth $90 or not?”

I had a fear of putting the concept out in the open; to our ownership nonetheless.  I was taking a chance.  The perfect idea lived in my head and on paper, but it might as well have been in a vacuum.  Certainly no one was going to benefit from a idea in a vacuum.  It had to see the light of day and breathe in the cool wintery Iowa air.

Taking time to reflect, I’m glad the books cost $90 to print and assemble.  It made me take a good hard look at the material and the confidence in my idea.  After all, it only took $90 to get my mind right!  Thousands of people waste much more than $90 trying to find confidence in the midst of fear.

As fate would have it, a couple days before I published this blog post, the email below appeared in my inbox from the remarkable Seth Godin.

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ACTION ITEM: Don’t let $90 keep you from your idea, concept, or business plan.  I promise you, It’s not the money you’re worried about.  The sooner you understand this, the closer you are to launch.

PS – When you do launch, I encourage you to scream “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”  It feels awesome.

Tom Izzo Can’t Lace ’em Up

I recently spent time reflecting about my struggle between being a high performing individual vs. the need to grow others and coach ’em up.  In hindsight, I spent the first eight years of my career focused on personal achievements and personal growth.  Now I’m entering a new chapter.

I tweeted a great article in the Harvard Business Review by Ed Batista (@edbatista) “Doing Less, Leading More.”

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Although I’m still focused on personal growth, I’m finding more and more enjoyment and necessity to grow others.  I’m the first to tell you, this is a challenge and it takes focused effort.  It was’t until a couple days ago when I was watching a Michigan State basketball game things got a little clearer.

I’m a basketball junkie and I love watching Michigan State teams as they are fierce competitors.  It is by no mistake Tom Izzo has a drill in practice aptly referred to as, “war.”  He gets the most out of his guys and every night their effort is never in question.  Oddly enough during a TV timeout, I caught a glimpse of the following image and I paused the game.


Tom Izzo can’t be more than five foot seven inches short.  Conversely, Adreian Payne is about seven feet tall.  Payne is the one on the floor electrifying the crowds and making the spectacular happen with his talents.  Tom provides the blueprint, knowledge, tenacity, and competitive spirit.

Tom is coaching, Adreian is playing.  Tom provides instruction and guidance, Adreian executes.  At five foot seven, you wouldn’t want Tom to lace ’em up unless he was the last guy on your bench.  And even at seven feet tall, Adreian will likely never be half the coach of Mr. Izzo.

I realized I can continue to focus on my own efforts and probably be pretty successful.  But no one ever did anything truly great on their own.  This change will require me to put the sneakers on the shelf and be sure to get the right talent on the floor.

ACTION ITEM: I want your feedback.  What have you done to grow from a player to a successful coach?  What changes did you make?

The Saturday Text

This is pretty simple but it remains a practice I utilize today.


I frequently work with clients whose business is retail sales.  That said, Saturday is always a big day for them.

One of the early practices I adopted was to email or text the general manager or owner the morning of their busiest day of the week.  I believe this accomplished a couple very important stamps in my client’s memory.

First off, I wasn’t just an 8 to 5’er, Monday through Friday guy.  I was invested in my client’s success and they were going to know about it.   Certainly they weren’t going to forget our team or me any time soon because I do this on most weekends.

Secondly, how many other vendors or partners were emailing or texting their client on Saturday?  The answer is easy, not many!  Elite people take actions the average will not.

If you’re stuck wondering what to say don’t over think it.  Examples of what these emails/texts could say are:

  1. Thinking about your team today and the numbers you’re going to do. Crush It!
  2. Looking forward to your team having a big day today.  I’ll be sure to follow up on Monday
  3. What’s the sales objective today?  Anything I can do to help?
  4. If you have access to client CRM and campaign data this one is REALLY AWESOME.  Make note of a specific customer or customers names where opportunities exist or appointments are scheduled.  Your client can’t even get his own people to do this!

A Keen Mind is about winning, creating a winning mindset, and by all means not taking average actions.  This is not an average move.   This simple tactic will position you as a true asset in your client’s mind.

If you think you’re immediately too busy for this activity, this blog isn’t the place for you.  I wish you the best.  Enjoy the Saturday morning cartoons because you were too busy to make an elite effort.

ACTION ITEM: The next opportunity you have, reach out to one of your clients via text or email on a Saturday morning.  Do not take more than five minutes.  Let them know you care.  If you get some feedback please share it with the tribe via a comment!

It Pays To Be A Winner

When I hear the word “ELITE” I immediately think of the US Navy SEALs.  I have an affinity for their leadership, training, focus, and commitment to each other.  One training tool I use frequently when I get in a rut mentally is the training videos of Navy SEALs BUDS Class 234.  It really gets me going.

One episode I’ve viewed numerous times (probably more than 20) is, “It Pays To Be A Winner.”


Remove the pushups, getting wet and sandy (horrible in the cold surf), lack of sleep, and what do you have?


Attention to detail.

Elite mental capacity.

If all you see is the rigorous physical nature of their process you’re missing a great deal of intelligence.  These elite warriors are training their minds.  The intense physicality of their training is a byproduct of consistent mental conditioning.  They learn the valuable lesson of getting comfortable in the uncomfortable.

This is much easier said than done in our civilian tribe, but it doesn’t mean we can’t apply the principles.  Former SEALs lead extremely successful careers by applying the teachings less than 1% of enrolled US service members will ever receive.

Apparently I’m not the only one interested in the teachings of the US Navy SEALs and Class 234 either.  I learned reading Hank Haney’s book, “The Big Miss” about the legendary Tiger Woods’ affinity for the SEALs and their mental acuity.

He routinely watched videos of Class 234.  He was even rumored to be training with SEAL teams but I’ll let your read about that. Now is Tiger the role model we strive to be?  Absolutely not.  But, when you think of the short list of athletes in complete ownership of the “mental game” Tiger Woods is on your list.  He knows, “It pays to be a winner!”

Tiger loves these teachings and I believe our tribe will as well.  If you’re driven by this video I invite you to view the others in the series and by all means share!

ACTION ITEM: Find an uncomfortable situation in the next week and insert yourself into the heart of it.  If you’re afraid, understand its ok.  Recognize the fear and channel it.  “Use it as aggression,” as the SEALs say!


Here is a link to purchase Hank Haney’s book, The Big Miss: My Years Coaching Tiger Woods


Golf and Digital Marketing

I tweeted the following recently:

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I’m a decent golfer but not great.  I’m a 7.9 handicap.   I love working on the game but there in lies one of my biggest challenges and hence my tweet.

I practice, but I don’t know the right way to practice or the right drills to do while practicing.   I hit balls and I hit more balls.   Some hook left, some down the middle and some slice right.

I’ve recently learned this professionally as I’m extremely interested in the divergence of social media into the core of our marketing plans.  My immediate challenge like golf, is where to start learning and how do I implement.

ACTION ITEM: Find a coach, or program, or a process to get better.  Likely this will come in the form of a monetary investment AND a time investment.   If you really want to get better, you will pony up for both.


Hello world!

If you’ve stumbled upon this site looking for Zac Keeney you’re certainly in the right place.   I hate to disappoint, but the site is currently under development and is not ready to reveal to the world just yet.

Before you leave (please don’t leave in a hurry) checkout the About,  FAQ‘s, and Mission Statement pages.

Also please be sure to connect with Zac on LinkedIn or follow him on Twitter @ZacKeeney.

Check back frequently & be prepared to join a community focused on elite thoughts and elite actions.  Your life will never be the same.

Looking forward to seeing you again soon,

Zac Keeney

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