I’ve been thinking a good deal about what perspectives this pandemic can offer? What am I actively learning from what’s happening? 

I was speaking with a physician last week and he used the word, “grit” to describe a behavior to pay attention to during COVID. It hit me like a blindside block and I’m not too certain I heard most of the rest of what he said as I thought it was so profound. 

COVID is testing our: health, children, jobs, relationships, patience, finances, and the list goes on and on…

COVID is testing our resolve. COVID is our generation’s GRIT test…if you can choose to see it that way. 

If you choose to see it, you can see this very resolve showing itself all over in wide arranging scenarios.

For example, yesterday was Halloween. Today, the internet was ON FIRE with photos and videos of people committed to continuing the tradition of Halloween with unique and creative solutions to deliver “the prize” (Candy) to our kids who were seeking some normalcy in the midst of a pandemic.

  • I saw people who fashioned tubes/chutes/gutters used to send candy toward their onlookers with a little help from gravity 
  • I saw a medieval style catapult constructed to launch candy to awaiting trick-or-treaters with bags held wide open
  • I saw row of bags attached to a fence with clothes pins holding individual treats to be taken one-by-one by ghosts and ghouls 

ALL of this, is GRIT. 

Resolve to not let a pandemic get the best of us.  Creatively focused to “embrace the suck” as the Navy Seals say, and find a way.  Schools have done it. Businesses, hospitals, restaurants, professional sports are all finding creative ways evolve. 

I find stoicism healthy here. The stoics would teach us to observe reality as it is, and not as we want it to be. But then move. Move forward. 

Floods will rob us of one thing, fire of another. These are conditions of our existence which we cannot change. What we can do is adopt a noble spirit, such a spirit as befits a good person, so that we may bear up bravely under all that fortune sends us and bring our wills into tune with nature’s.
– Seneca, Letters from a Stoic 

The pandemic has certainly thrown all of us off what was once considered our  “normal” day-to-day modus operandi. It’s also showing us where our resolve is. 

I’m a self confessed optimist. I DO believe there is a way through and it very likely won’t be easy. Not in the least. That said, the way forward lives with the people and their ingenuity. I certainly believe in that.  

Instead of looking for ease of passage.  Lean into grit. 

Where is your grit today? 

See the Silver Lining

These are without a doubt challenging, uncertain times. That said, with every challenge comes opportunity and this is no different.

I challenge you to see the Silver Lining in this pandemic. How can you best use this time to come out better on the other side?

ACTION ITEM: Take this opportunity to look inward. See the angles for improvement and embrace the challenge.

It Feels Good to Smile

Kobe. His Daughter Gianna. 

It was all too tragic on Sunday. A legend, his daughter and 7 others lost too soon. We’ve all seen the news. It’s unavoidable.

I grew up in the MJ era, so it wasn’t like Kobe was “my guy,” but yet I was upset. I was watching the PGA tour event at Torrey Pines when I saw the news on my phone.

My wife asked, “how do you feel?” 

“Heartbroken,” I said. But not entirely sure why. Why do I feel this way?

“It’s ok to cry,” she said. “You do know you can cry. Let it out.” 

Why was I upset? I got to thinking:

  • A legend, a basketball icon lost too soon. A man I hoped to see in old age. Similar to how I see Bill Russell today. 
  • Be was 41. I’m soon to be 38
  • He has kids and a young daughter almost the same age as my daughter. 
  • Leaves behind a wife (Vanessa)
  • He’ll never get to deliver the hall of fame speech he deserved 
  • Jerry West was beside himself. I have tremendous respect for Jerry. “The Logo” of the NBA and fierce competitor felt deep sorrow in the loss of his friend and Laker comrade. I think he saw himself in Kobe
  • And on and on… 

Yesterday (Monday), I was just somber. I just felt sad for the entire situation.

The thought I struggled with most and continue to, is the thought of that helicopter going down, and what do you say or prepare your daughter for….sitting along side you in those last fatal moments. That WRECKED me. 

As a parent I’m fine going out on my own. No one ever wants to go too soon. But with your child, your protege, at your side…that hurts. 

Monday moved on into Monday night and that’s where I found a smile. 

I was watching the Wisconsin vs Iowa basketball game and saw a post that ESPN would be reairing Kobe’s final game. His 60 point night of artistry that would complete his NBA career tapestry. 

Immediately I changed channels only to watch him start 0-5. That was painful. I knew the damn script and I was struggling through it.  C’mon Kobe, put the ball in the bucket.

Then a shot dropped. Then a layup. Then another. He was finding his legs. Three straight.

I’ve said this many times, but basketball was my first love. Now I’ll never know what it was like to be in the stratosphere with Kobe, but I could score and I knew what it felt like to get H-O-T.  Bucket. Bucket. Buckets!!

I was drawn in with the broadcast. 

I found myself rooting for an ending in a script that was already written.  Like cheering for Andy Dufresne to escape Shawshank. We know the ending.

I appreciated him. His work. His drive. His final chapter.

When he had 45, and was going for 50 I was drawn in. When he hit 53, I was sitting on the floor but up on my haunches…leaning in. Asking for 60!

He had that look in his eyes.

He hit 60, and I smiled. 

Ear to ear, I smiled. 

I smiled and I felt a little peace. That’s what he was put on this earth to do, and for a moment I forgot the tragedy, and remembered, even participated in his greatness. 

I put my kids to bed last night and knew that next day I’d be heading out of town for a quick business trip. Not irregular in the least, but it felt oh so different this time. 

I’d be lying to you if these events didn’t make me pause. Slow down. Appreciate.

I looked at my kids differently on Monday night, and today as they headed out the door. Different in a more clear way. Different in a more appreciative and thankful way.

I hate that these events do that, but it’s true and I won’t hide from it. 

This tragedy brings into perspective the reminder we hate to hear. Life is short, and it must be cherished.

Don’t forget to smile! No matter where it comes from.

Rest in peace Kobe & Gianna.

Ditch New Year’s Resolutions for This!

It’s that time of year again. New Year. New Start. Even a new decade to press the reset button!

Image result for restart button

I think the reset button is a good thing.

Conversely, I think New Year’s resolutions are a tremendous waste of time. 

Lets face it…they’ve been proven not to work. Over, and over, and over again. Over 90% fail.  < – – – – That’s NOT good.

I’ve been wickedly fortunate in my career to have the ability to interact with some incredibly successful business and business leaders. What do businesses use to ensure they’re on track? 

I can promise you one thing, they don’t set New Year’s resolutions. 

They keep score of key business metrics. The good ones have a SCORECARD. A simple set of KEY metrics driving their business. 

So, that’s exactly what I’ve done here. Created my own personal scorecard. This scorecard is slightly different though. My scorecard is based on operational excellence personally. Optimal health, sleep, reduced stress, effective exercise, and so on.

What critical efforts do I need to invest in, so that I continue to  operate in a peak state?  For me, I’ve narrowed it down into four simple actions and appropriate monthly frequencies needed to be operating at a high level. 

  1. Meditation – Pretty simple. I stretch and work a breathing routine before bed…I sleep better. Period.  Better sleep, better attitude, better energy, better mood! Every other day and I’ll be operating at 100%
  2. Exercise – Kid’s schedules and travel can make this difficult, but 10 is VERY doable for me. Tired for all the right reasons leads to better sleep. See points above 
  3. Church – This is quite honestly good for my soul. I’m more at ease after I attend church. Certainly more grateful and more appreciative for all the blessings my family has. Goal is three out of four weeks a month
  4. Books – This one keeps me learning and fresh. Keeps me curious and generating new ideas from the lessons learned elsewhere.  One hard copy to turn pages and take notes, and one audible copy to knock out while exercising or traveling. 

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If you’re curious what “peak state” is for me it is pretty simple.  Optimal energy, derived from solid sleep, at the result of a really fulfilling and challenging day. 

My scorecard helps to: eliminate stress, reduce inflammation in my body, challenge me mentally and physically, and keeps me accountable in a highly visual way (< – – – Which I’m ALL about!!). Get selfish. This is about you! 

Complete a task, cross it off. 

ACTION ITEM: Ditch the resolution! Think, what makes me operate at a high level?  What do I need and at what frequency? No more than five critical efforts.

I’m going to bet if you give it a little thought, you’ll find it. 

What Do John Harbaugh & Kirk Ferentz Know About Reinvention?

Two legendary coaches. Two different journeys. Two wonderful examples of what reinvention can do for a career. Especially when your back is against the wall.

I got to thinking about these two great leaders after watching Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens torch NFL teams in the final weeks of November. Soon they’d find themselves atop the AFC standings. How did they get here?

How did the Ravens get here after benching Super Bowl winning quarterback Joe Flacco just a short year ago? What a tough decision!

John Harbaugh, a Super Bowl winning coach…was on the hot seat. Is it time to fire John Harbaugh the Baltimore faithful asked?

It was time for reinvention. The drafting of a duel threat QB, retooling the offense mid-season, and getting more “analytics” involved in their real-time game decision making.

Comparatively, in 2014 the University of Iowa and head coach Kirk Ferentz were coming off a very mediocre 7-6 season which included a blowout bowl loss to Tennessee. The fan base was ready to move on.

The votes were in. FIRE FERENTZ < – – – the articles said. This one specifically rang in the new year of 2015.

Stay the course and persevere? Or change? Sweeping change!

Changes in the staff, practice schedules, more aggressive play calling on 4th down, and a new QB led Iowa to their first ever undefeated 12-0 regular season in 2015!

The answer. Don’t settle for mediocrity and REINVENT!

ACTION ITEM: As they say in the Movie Rounders, “Fold or hang tough. Call, or Raise?” Stay the course and persevere, or change? Fortune favors the bold and answers you’re looking for are probably available to those who choose to see them.

More of This. Less of That

I’m getting the strong feeling as I get older…life continues to get a little easier. Not in the sense where everything layeth down in front of me at any wish. No. More so the fact that I’m REALLY beginning to understand what I do, and the direct impact these actions will have on my life (both positively and negatively).

Do you? If not, I’d really like you to consider spending a few minutes on the content below. 

I’m paying a great deal of attention to what makes me operate at a high level and also what truly brings me joy. What do I put in my body? Where do I spend time? What am I reading or listening to? Personally and professionally.

Conversely, I also know what brings me down and empties the tank. What wrecks my body and energy levels? 

All that said, I’ve put together a couple of lists.  What makes me feel great (do more of), what takes away from my energy or health (less of that).

Less of That: Eliminate. Eliminate. Eliminate. 

  • Fried Food: only in limited moderation. Albeit delicious, it simply doesn’t make me feel good that day, or the next. It also wreaks havoc on my finicky stomach and UC symptoms. Pretty easy to limit this intake with a little will power.
  • Alcohol: no hard alcohol for me. My body can’t take it. I still love to consume a cold beer or a glass of wine, but no liquor for me. Same goes here. My body doesn’t process it or handle it well. Moving on!  
  • Over investing in flaky relationships: You all know one or two. I’m done pouring energy into something expecting some sort of return, knowing it won’t happen. Again. It’s too exhausting. Once you know…no one’s fault beyond my own at this point. 
  • Busyness: I’m working on this one. Being plugged in “most” of the time is a real challenge. I think its a challenge to family, overall health, and wellbeing. I can definitely be a prisoner to my own ambition, so I’ve got to really be aware of this. Being honest, I’ll probably get out of whack occasionally, so I’ve got to have checks and balances in place to reset.
  • Negativity & a Focus on Outcomes I can’t control. I’m growing more and more tired of negativity. I’m also growing tired of the endless worry toward things so many dimensions beyond control.  Worry for the sake of worry.
  • Pursuit of Stuff: I’ve really got about all I want or need in life. I’m not interested in watches, or cars, or compiling needless stuff. Give me experiences and freedom of time and space. 

Now for the good stuff. 

More of This: Make the time. Invest the Energy! The dividends far exceed the investment

  1. Meditation: Frequency minimum 15x monthly. Or roughly every other day at minimum. It’s so simple and the benefits (I feel) are obvious on so many levels in my life. It’s a real force multiplier for me. I’m happier. I sleep better. My joints don’t hurt. I’m better with my kids. Any anxiety is small at best. I’m more creative and in flow with anything coming my way. Did I mention I’m Happier! 
  2. Church: Frequency minimum 3x month (or 3 of 4 Sundays a month). Again, I just feel better. I’m not really sure how to put this any other way or more simply. I feel better. Clear thoughts and maybe even a more clear conscience. 
  3. True Connection at a higher Level: I want to continue to elevate my peer and friend network. I will absolutely jump at the idea of connecting with other business leaders, business starters, and all around achievers…who also have clarity in their pursuit. It feels like fuel to me and every time I do this, i walk away energized and with a slew of ideas.
  4. Exercise and Steps: I don’t know why, but I’m fully into the 10,000 steps a day or else march. It’s helping bake in a quick walk or jog/run throughout the day. Although it’s a simple metric, it’s one where the divided is simple yet extremely valuable. Get up. Get on the move! This would also involve knocking out daily pull-ups, push ups, or maybe a few kettle bell swings. 
  5. Retreat to the Water: I’ve said it many times to my wife. Growing up and living in the midwest, a couple times a year you have to “go to the water”.  I don’t know why, but it’s good for my soul. I’ve got to bake these times into my calendar well in advance. No excuse not to. I’ve got thousands of airline miles and thousands of hotel points. Cost is NOT the issue. I need to get to the coasts or to the beach.  
  6. Time with Friends: Again ask my wife. If I haven’t had some interaction with close friends in too long of a stretch, I get antsy. Maybe even grumpy. OK, totally grumpy. I crave interaction even at the most basic level. It could be a night out for dinner, or a driveway, a fire pit, and a cooler of cold ones. Either works magic.
  7. Alone time: I get you are probably shaking your head at this or maybe even raising a curious eyebrow. If you’re thinking I’m getting selfish, I am…but hear me out. Some of the best thinking and exploration of self awareness has come when I’ve been alone and gotten brutally honest with myself. Alone time. An empty pad of paper and some music. Nothing else and certainly no expectations. 

Make your list and pay attention to it. I actually have a simple matrix to keep track of the essential. Helps me course correct before I get too far off the beaten path.

ACTION ITEM: Focus on the right inputs and the wheel of momentum always seems to turn faster. I know it does for me.