31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 21

DAY 21: Am I investing 15% of my income before a bill is paid

It was bound to happen.  A simple oversight in the date and the day was missed.  I apologize to those who are getting this a few hours late.  Today will be a double post.

Day 21

ACTION ITEM: Financial health is extremely important and often overlooked.  I believe a person has to make  commitment to themselves and their future by paying themselves first.  A really good starting point for this is 15% of your income.  Not a mortgage, not a car payment, not credit card bills, YOU.  Your monthly budget starts after you get paid first.  No excuses.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 20

DAY 20: Am I being the best version of myself today?

Day 20

ACTION ITEM: I don’t know how many times the answer to this question would be “No.”  But that’s the beauty of this 31 day process and this tribe.  We work to get a little bit better every day.  The late Jim Valvano said it best in his famous ESPY speech, “If you laugh, you think and you cry, that’s a full day!”

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 19

DAY 19: Am I learning to see what can be, instead of what is?

Day 19

ACTION ITEM: Wisdom tells us not to read a book by its cover.  Yet, our mind reaches to make snap judgments in everything and every one we see.  As the author of this blog, I’m #1 in line for those who struggle with this.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 18

DAY 18: Am I creating the life I want?

Day 18

ACTION ITEM: It’s very easy to get off track and live the life others make for us.  It is also empty and exhausting.  It’s time to start living the life you want.  Write it down.  My wife and I ask the question about once a year, “what do we REALLY want?”  What do we want: to do, to experience, to be remembered by.  Answer this question and follow your path relentlessly.  If you’re not creating the life you want, the time to make changes is now.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 17

DAY 17: Are my BIG goals written down where I can see them?

Day 17

ACTION ITEM: Happy St. Patrick’s Day Lads!  There is a podcast I follow by John Lee Dumas.  He frequently uses the acronym F.O.C.U.S. during his podcast.  Follow, One, Course, Until, Success.  We achieve what we focus on.  If you’re missing a goal, write it down and put it somewhere you MUST look at it every day.  Focus will take over from there.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 16

DAY 16: Am I meditating enough?

Day 16

ACTION ITEM: I never thought I’d write this post.  EVER.  However, after taking up meditation I can tell you I’m a more relaxed, happier, alert, creative, witty, person.  This fall I read Dan Harris’ book 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works–A True Story and I agree with him 100%.  Try it.  Just five minutes.  See what it does for your life.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 15

DAY 15: Who have I made feel wonderful?

Day 15

ACTION ITEM: If you can’t answer this one quickly, you’ve got some work to do.  I know I do.

It’s extremely easy to become selfish in the world we live in.  Me, Me, Me!!  But I’m going to challenge you.  Think about the last time you did something truly wonderful for someone else.  How did that make YOU feel?

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 13

DAY 13: What are my world class talents?

Day 13

ACTION ITEM: I had a breakthrough moment in 2014.  What was it?  Stop doing shit you hate!  Instead, focus all your efforts and energy on what you’re great at and experience much bigger returns.   It may be only 2-3 things.  Do them and do them exceptionally well.  If you don’t believe me, here is a snapshot from my journal.

Snippet from Journal - What am I great at?

Snippet from Journal – What am I great at?

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 12

DAY 12: What can I do bigger in 2015

Day 12 ACTION ITEM: You can’t accomplish a goal that isn’t written down.  Start there.  Next, take a hard look at the goals and ask yourself if you’re selling yourself short?  Incremental increases in the right activity can lead to enormous leaps in results.

What do you have to lose?

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 11

DAY 11: What do I think about positively every day?

Day 11

ACTION ITEM: Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “We become what we think about all day long.”  We BECOME.  Our thoughts shape our actions.  Look around at your successful and happy peers. What thoughts run through their brains on a daily basis?