31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 10

DAY 10: When did I last send a hand written note?

Day 10

ACTION ITEM: Great leaders in history share the unique feeling and obligation to put in writing their gratitude.  I’ve received hundreds of thousands of emails.  Few are saved.  I’ve saved nearly every hand written note I’ve ever received professionally and personally.  Hand written = effort and authenticity!

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 9

DAY 9: Who have I asked to challenge me lately?

Day 9

ACTION ITEM:  Believe it or not, some aren’t comfortable challenging you, your thoughts, or your actions.  Be the bigger leader and ask for them.  Ask them to challenge your thinking, remove the roadblock, and open the collaboration.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 8

DAY 8: How can I help you?  Right now!Day 8

ACTION ITEM:  (it helps if you sing this) “I get by with a little help from my friends,” wrote John Lennon and Sir Paul McCartney.  I’m guilty of not asking for help in times of need.  I know others feel the same way.  So I thought, If I can’t fix my own stubbornness, I can make the effort to help someone else.  Ask often, and ask with integrity to help.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 7

DAY 7: Am I making those around me better?

Day 7

ACTION ITEM: There are very successful people out there who have no problem creating momentum for themselves.  They may be reading this post (I hope they are).  This is a lonely race to run and a challenge I’ve struggled with.  The real success I was searching for, came in magnitudes much greater when I started working for everyone else.  Challenge, teach, encourage and build with high standards.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 6

DAY 6: How am I investing in myself this year?

Day 6

ACTION ITEM:  When you see the word “invest” think money.  Yes, I do think it is possible to get better without spending a dime, but it also lacks commitment.  Books, audiobooks, online courses, exercise classes, seminars,…do something!  Get invested in yourself or be prepared to live in the mediocre middle.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 5

DAY 5: What am I doing to get uncomfortable?Day 5

ACTION ITEM:  This just feels weird reading, doesn’t it?  Uncomfortable…I’d rather settle into this couch.  The US Navy SEALS train in the uncomfortable every day.  If you don’t know what “wet and sandy” is, I recommend Googling it.  The more uncomfortable the scenario, the more they are prepared for anything anyone can throw at them.  I’m certainly no SEAL, but I love the mindset.  Hooyah!!

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 4

DAY 4: What challenges am I taking head on?

Day 4

ACTION ITEM:  In order to grow stronger and build muscle, a person must lift heavier weights.  Is the person lifting afraid of the weights?  I highly doubt it.  So, why then should you be afraid of a challenge standing right in front of you?  The only way to grow is to accept the challenge and punch fear in the face!


31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 3

Day 3: Who haven’t I spoken with in some time?

Day 3

ACTION ITEM:  If you’ve ever said to yourself (and I know you have), I wonder what <insert name> is up to?  Then you need to take this challenge and call them.  There’s a pretty good chance they’re feeling the same way (except they didn’t read this post!).  Unless of course you’re one of those SUPER AWESOME people who help share my content.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 2

DAY 2: Who can I thank today?

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Incase you missed it yesterday, or you’re wondering what the heck you’re looking at, I launched a 31 day series in the month of March titled “31 Days of Challenging Questions” – follow the link to get up to speed.  Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

ACTION ITEM: I don’t think anyone can be accused of being overly thankful.  Take a moment out of your day and thank a person or two who wouldn’t see it coming.  It will make their day better and your gratitude will not be forgotten.

31 Days of Challenging Questions: Day 1

March is a very special month to me.

  1. It’s my birthday month (I’m turning 33 this year)
  2. March Madness NEVER disappoints
  3. It’s a time of rebirth and awakening from winter

While on a flight back from New York about a month ago, I was doing some thinking. I wanted to do something truly BIG on my blog for the month of March. The answer I settled on was 31 days of posts focused on the challenging questions I learned during the last year.

Here’s how it will work:

  • Each day I’ll unveil a new question (including weekends)
  • Each day I’ll share a quick remark on the specific question
  • Each day we’ll take action

DAY 1: Why not me?

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After 31 days of challenging questions and learning more about yourself, it will be terrific to look back at where you were when you started! As my good friend Juan Teran always says, with tremendous enthusiasm (in tribute to his friend Zig Ziglar), “See you at the top!”

ACTION ITEM: Why not you?  Why can’t you start that new opportunity, get that raise, run that marathon?  Take desire and turn it into action.