Two of My Favorite Questions for Leaders

The more I read, the more I learn about the highest achievers asking better questions than the rest of their peers.  So I continued to think about my favorite questions to ask, and I had to share with the group as these two questions have helped my career a great deal.

Question 1 – What does success look like?

Here are the reasons I love this question:

  1. It gets to the root of what your client is really looking to achieve.  Be specific.  How much? By when? What will you feel like when you get there?
  2. If you don’t know what success is, how on Earth can you come back in the future to discuss other ventures?
  3. I’ll admit, sometimes my version of success didn’t align with my client’s version.  Here’s a tip – their version is more important. 
  4. Understanding what success looks like may open up other opportunities to your relationship.
  5. Case studies sell.  Understanding what success is will help you with the before and after story for your case study.
  6. Success can be losing weight, hitting a revenue target, reducing production time, or growing market share.  Whatever it is can provide a strong point of focus for an entire team.  When the entire team knows what success is, there is a much higher likelihood of achievement.

Lastly, here are a couple versions of how I would ask this question:

  • If we were to partner up on “said agreement”, can you please tell me what success looks like three months down the road?
  • What does success look like for someone in your shoes?
  • Six months down the road, tell me what a successful partnership looks like in your eyes?

Question 2 – What more can I do for you?

Here are the reasons I love this question:

  1. Asking it with sincerity means you care.  If you care, your chances for winning go up exponentially and your relationship will thrive.
  2. It shows you’re not just a hired gun.  Don’t get me wrong, doing your job/task is super important.  Asking what more can be done is CRUSHING IT with your client.
  3. If you were a personal trainer and asked this question, it means you believe in your client outside of your 45-60 minute paid sessions.  It means you’ll be there for them for the long run.
  4. In the example above, I asked you to be specific.  In this example, I recommend being generic.  Don’t lead the witness to their problems or challenges.  Sometimes there could be a great deal of fear involved.  Let them tell you.  Respect and empathy will be earned by listening genuinely.
  5. Ask those you work with.  Note, I didn’t say “work for you.” Chances are they make your life better.  What can you do to make their lives better?

There is only one recommendation I can think of in regard to this question.  Do it frequently and do it with sincerity.

While reading Tony Robbin’s Awaken the Giant Within : How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny!, I came upon chapter 8.  Very telling for this post.  By the way, if you’re looking for a book to crush in 2015, the principles Tony teaches WILL help you.

Questions Are The Answer

Questions are the Answer

ACTION ITEM: I’d love it if you started using these two questions to your benefit this week.  I’d place a sizable bet, you’ll be encountered with the opportunity to ask one or both of these in the very near future.  Make the most of it!

When Do You Figure It All Out?

When do you have it figured out?

When do you have it figured out?

When I was younger, I’d meet business professionals and business owners and I’d ask myself, “I wonder when they figured it all out?” I found myself wanting to know what they knew.  When did it click?

I paid very close attention to their success (or perceived success in my mind) and wondered exactly how they got where they were and if the path was repeatable.  What did they do?  Who did they know?  What books did they read?  How did they choose to spend their time?

Now looking back on my foolish and much younger self, I found the answer to the question.

When do you figure it all out?


The answers is never!  You never have it truly figured out.  Those that say they do are either completely satisfied with everything they’ve ever achieved, or they’re naive to the competition lurking in the weeds waiting to snatch up their precious market share because they’re still hungry.

The more I spend time with other high achievers, the more I learn about their quest to learn more and to deliver a better solution, no matter their craft.  What also stood out to me is the overwhelming number of people who say they didn’t have all the answers when they began.  They really didn’t have any answers, but they started and they learned.

Their lives are filled with the same fears and lack of understanding mine is, but they attack the fear. They take a chance and understand the worst that can happen is they start over.  Following the likes of Grant Cardone and Tony Robbins has taught me many things.  First off, they successfully attack opportunities with massive action.

Massive, determined action

Massive, determined action

Secondly, they successfully embrace the culture of continued learning and new challenges.  They thrive in uncertainty and most are ok with failing as long as they learn something in the process.

Contrast this with the average or mediocre (I hope every time you hear these words your body shakes with disdain).  Challenges cause the mediocre pain, fear, and drive the person to quit.  They live in the comfortable middle where the only challenge that exists is figuring out what label to put on their boredom.  These people have it figured out!

Are you trying to figure it out today for yourself?

Wonderful.  My advice to you is to stop figuring and simply START.  Start your path in a direction and see where it takes you, but 100% don’t be afraid of the ninth step when you haven’t taken the first.



Start Today. Not Tomorrow

ACTION ITEM: The more you start, the more comfortable you will be operating in the unknown and uncertain waters of achievement.  Start.  Start today and stop trying to figure it out!

Earthquakes, Magnitude and Success

Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 11.51.17 AM

Earthquakes, Magnitude and Success


Do you know how much more violent a 4.0 earthquake is compared to a 5.0 earthquake?  What about a 7.0?

It may seem, simply by looking at the numbers, that a 4.0 quake would produce a similar but slightly less devastating result than a 5.0 quake.  However, this isn’t anywhere near the truth.

As measured with a seismometer, an earthquake that registers 5.0 on the Richter Scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times that of an earthquake that registered 4.0, and thus corresponds to a release of energy 31.6 times that released by the lesser earthquake.

The number of earthquakes registering 2.5 – 5.4 is estimated to be 30,000 annually.  Conversely, the number of 5.5 – 6.0 quakes drops to just 500 per year.  That’s less than 2% of the lesser magnitude in scale.

Why is this important to my readers?

Because I see a powerful relationship between mediocrity and 30,000 quakes per year.  No one really ever feels the efforts of these actions (or earthquakes), because the magnitude of the efforts are weakly measurable at best.  Check out the image below to associate a visual to what I’m discussing.


I ask myself, “How many daily activities would I label as: Not felt, Minor, Small, or even Moderate in magnitude?”

Even better follow up, what are my expectations for the outcomes of these activities?  I’m guessing they don’t match.  Maybe the image and corresponding labels below will help better paint the picture.  I love pictures and colors so this one really hits home.


The reason I chose to write about this topic and how it collides with success is because I was listening to Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk.  He talks passionately about cashing in on your talents and passions by getting all-in on a topic and executing fearlessly.  His well-pronounced goal is to own the NY Jets.  Not a small goal, and definitely one where massive action and focused energy will need to be invested over a long period of time to achieve it.

The magnitude of our outcomes (and success) is closely related to the investment we’re willing to make.

If I’m not willing to invest a great deal of effort and energy into a project, business or idea, then my results WILL BE (100%) limited to the bottom end of the magnitude scale.  Many goals, multiplied by little effort, eat up massive amounts of your time and energy for minimal outcomes.

However, lets consider the highest magnitude.  Who are those individuals experiencing massive success?  They are labeled in the chart above as “Outstanding” or “Extraordinary.”  What do they have in common and how do they spend their time?  Also, notice there are substantially fewer of these super successful people in volume when compared to the mediocre many.  Probably less than 1% of the population.

I don’t think this can be understated.  Little goals, limited effort, and the minor impact outcome are related.  No one feels a minor quake, and 30,000+ happen every year!

ACTION ITEM: I’m personally doing an audit and taking a look at the aspects of my life in which I feel like I’m creating a very minimal impact.  The next choice I must make is to either eliminate the activity or refocus and rededicate my efforts.  Not all efforts deserve the same attention and energy.  I hope this audit will also serve you well.

The WHY Behind A Keen Mind


I started this blog 10 months ago for a reason.

Do you know what this reason is?

Start With Why

I just finished reading a great book as part of a mastermind group.  The book is Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. This book, by Simon Sinek, outlines the very simple, yet difficult statement, “People don’t buy what they do, they buy why you do it.”  The illustration above is a simple outline of this principle.  A principle he calls, “The Golden Circle.”  It is a principle I’ll never forget.

If you’re a subscriber, I hope you find my “WHY” in line with my content.  If you’re new to A KEEN MIND, welcome!  Here is what’s in store for you when you subscribe.

Why: I believe in strategies helping people to establish a positive mindset and more achievement in their lives.  Whether the goal happens to be: a raise, a promotion, a calmer more centered mind, or more security with their bank account.  I believe in the continued pursuit of achievement and learning and will share my journey with my tribe.

How: I will consistently deliver content, not withholding my own faults and challenges with my readers.  I will share openly and honestly my strategies to create trust in the tribe, in hopes the tribe will grow and share on its own.

What: My content will start as a blog.  In the future, I do not know where it will go, but it will always be grounded in serving my WHY.

My starting goal was simple.  Help one person achieve their pursuit.

ONE PERSON.  I thrive in hearing about a reader that gets what they were looking for (I save every email).  I love hearing about the content I’m sharing.  How it changed the way the reader or others around them think and feel.

I accomplished my goal.  It’s time for a much bigger goal!

My New Goal: Help 10,000 people.

If you think I’m a little nuts, thank you!  I LOVE IT.  Better question is how the hell am I going to achieve this?  The answer is astonishingly simple.

One post at a time.

It only takes one well written strategy, posted here, shared by one of you, to catch fire and change hundreds of lives.  The tribe will grow, and I will continue to focus on my WHY!

ACTION ITEM: I’ve got to write my next post!

Counting Your Currency

There are two types of currency being traded in our lives.


Cheddar, coin, dough, green, cash, Benjamin’s.  Pretty obvious right?.  I spent the first decade of my career working to accumulate this currency.  I counted it, I helped make it, created it, I saved it and every day I search to find better ways to invest it and grow it for my family’s future.
I don’t think money is a bad thing or the pursuit of money is a bad thing.  I think money is a great tool and every day I learn it is actually more of a resource.  Have I been greedy in pursuit of money?  Maybe?  When I was younger money was a way to keep score and I’m an achiever.  I like to see the scoreboard.  Today I still like to make money, I just frame it as a tool/resource to open up more doors and experiences in my life.  However, money alone will not bring happiness, but if I can choose between being poor and happy and financially comfortable and happy I’ll choose the latter.
Any ideas on the second type of currency you traded today?
Any guesses?


Time is the most valuable currency we own and the crazy thing is we each get the same amount to use every single day.  I’m sure you’ve heard this, so I won’t belabor the point.  Actually I will, I would like to drive it home like an ice pick into the icy side of a frozen mountain pass.
Everything changed for me on July 30th 2014.  This was the day my son was born.  I’ve learned so much in the three months since then I can’t even believe it took me this long to understand it.  Today everything revolves around the question, “What is the best use of every second of my time?”  Where can I get the most time with my son?  Where can I get the most time with my wife and family?  How can I maximize my time to spend with cherished friends?

Where can I invest my best strengths and talents to generate the biggest return for everyone involved?  Everything I think about now revolves around time investment and return.  This is much different than simple bottom line return (scoreboard & money).

What I encourage you to do is think about the relationship of money, freedom, and time in your life.  Have you earned enough money to have the freedom should you choose to exercise it RIGHT NOW?  Can you leave what you are doing this very second to be with your family if needed or pursue another opportunity?  Can you take that vacation you’ve been talking about to create a lifetime of memories?  If not, it’s time to start thinking about how your currency is being spent or find ways to make more money today to get closer to freedom.

Whatever you choose, don’t be a cheapskate.  No one likes a cheapskate!

Your resources(time and money) are in constant competition for your willpower and your goals.  I’m asking you to consider more “experiences” instead of things.  I’m asking you to save a little now for the overwhelming pleasure to pursue freedom if you choose later.

The iconic Steve Jobs says it perfectly.

Steve Jobs - Experiences Quote

Steve Jobs – Experiences Quote

ACTION ITEM: If you’re not happy with the track you life is on I’ll ask you to evaluate to simple resources.  How are you spending/wasting money?  How are you investing/wasting time?



The Power of Kind Words

Thank you!

Thank you to my readers.  To those who share, those who ponder, and those who challenge the ideas shared on this blog.  To those who challenge me to create and curate better content.  To the special one (my wonderful wife) who proof reads almost every post…unless I get in a hurry (which happens from time to time).

The link to the video above I just created for this specific post.  You can also find it on YouTube titled: “A Keen Reflection” on my YouTube Channel (Zac Keeney YouTube Channel)

Thank you!

I couldn’t leave this post without sharing a few heartfelt points of encouragement I’ve received from different readers so far.  Each email I received was unsolicited and fills my heart with devotion and dedication to keep moving the needle:

#1- Great article here and I can relate to #3 on your list below.  For me it’s all about effort and the ambition to get better/succeed which also comes with being paranoid on whether or not there is something else I should/could be doing.  I think that paranoia has pushed me to greater limits and hopefully can get me to where I want to be in the future.  Keep up the good work here buddy, hope all is well!

FYI – I keep almost all of your posts so I can go back through them and make sure my head is in the right place (Post reader is referring to is The Beauty in Paranoia). 

#2 – I think you’re doing a great job with it Zac. Keep up the great work. I actually have your page saved under a folder on my phone entitled “growth”. It also has Entreprenuer and YouVerse (bible) apps.

#3 – Zac, 

Good morning!  I just wanted to say that I always get a spark from your blogs and our exchanges of ideas. Keep up the good work. You are truly an inspiration!

To your success!

I will leave you with this motivational quote from Henry Ford as I consider getting better, growth, and what’s next to come.
“None of our men are ‘experts’. We have most unfortunately found it necessary to get rid of a man as soon as he thinks himself an expert because no one ever considers himself an expert if he really knows his job . . . Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing is impossible.” ~Henry Ford
ACTION ITEM: Tell someone “thank you” in the next 48 hours for work they may not know impacts your life.  It’s done wonders for me and I can’t thank those above enough for their generosity and feedback.

Be Brief. Be Brilliant. Be Gone.

Brilliant Planning

Be Brief. Be Brilliant. Be Gone.

This is something I learned from a colleague about seven or eight years ago and I’ll never forget it.  I had to share it with the tribe as I believe in my soul it will help you.

I want you to think back to your last client meeting, big project presentation, or conference call.  What was the first thing to go completely haywire?

I’m not even going to guess, I’m going to tell you it was everyone’s collective attention span.  It’s the reason I’ve learned to keep my blog posts to around 400 words or less.  People don’t have the focus to remain engaged for a duration much longer than this.

Be Brief. Be Brilliant. Be Gone.

There is genius in these words.  Today’s supercharged social economy has us glued to our smart phones alerting us with: snaps, score alerts, texts, insta-awesome photos, and god forbid email.

Here’s how I think this will help you in your career.  Your clients and teammates are busy.  Real busy.  This must be understood and respected.

Ways to be more brief:

  1. Show up with a plan.  A really well thought out plan with execution as the focus.
  2. Get to the point.
  3. Use powerful visuals to represent your story/case/value proposition. People believe what they see and not what they hear(I believe this with all of my heart).
  4. Solve a problem.  Have a clear understanding of the challenge at hand.

Ways to be more brilliant:

  1. Rehearse.
  2. Deliver your story with more passion (by rehearsing).
  3. Hold the team and work to very high standards.  Don’t show up with average.
  4. See your pitch from the client eyes first.  Where would they find fault in your offering?
  5. Show you care.

Lastly, be gone:

  1. Give them something to say yes, or possibly more importantly “NO” to.
  2. Ask for immediate feedback.
  3. Don’t linger.  Move along.

Be Brief.  Be Brilliant.  Be Gone. With more wins in your pocket!

ACTION ITEM: Please consider these tips for your next client meeting and/or pitch.  Your client or team is begging you to do this, but maybe they haven’t told you yet.

Pull the Trigger I Dare You

We the people are a reflection of our habits.  Good habits and bad habits.  This quote should come as no surprise then.

Success Trigger

Success Trigger

The human brain isn’t exactly a VCR (if you’re old enough to know what this is), but it can be programmed almost exactly the same way.  So how can you accomplish this?

The answer is in your triggers.

What is a trigger?  Psychology defines it as, “A trigger is something that sets off a memory tape or flashback transporting the person back to the event of her/his original trauma.”  Triggers drive our habits and these habits run our lives.

How do I know?  I had a nasty tobacco habit for a few years, and it amplified as I introduced the habit to additional triggers.  I chewed tobacco when I had a long drive.  Then it became: when I golfed, mowed the lawn, read a book, etc.  Many of my activities throughout the day were impacted by the habit.  When the activity began, my brain triggered the need for nicotine and oral fixation.  I found out my biggest challenge when kicking the habit was preparing my mind for the guaranteed trigger reaction.  Conquer this and the habit would disappear, and it did.

I learned the same energy and focus could be applied to adding positive triggers to my life instead of only removing the negative.  I use these triggers to refuel my brain with: positivity, new insights, challenging viewpoints, and more positivity.  If you’re wondering why I listed positivity twice, it’s because there is so much damn negativity around I have to fight it off with twice the effort.

The mediums I utilize once the trigger is activated are:

  • YouTube Videos
  • Motivational Quotes
  • Podcasts
  • Audiobooks
  • Success blogs
  • Encouraging emails from clients
  • Cards from friends

The key is to understand your triggers and then insert a positive habit to reinforce the activity.  We’re creatures of habit and we have hundreds of them.  It shouldn’t be hard to find a time or activity to insert some positive mental training into your day.

ACTION ITEM: The time to start wiring your brain for positivity is today.  Science tells us it takes 21 days to create a habit.  If this is true, and you start today you will be a refreshed individual in three weeks time.  Make the choice to implement a new habit, you already have the triggers in place.


Stop Wishing for a Raise and Use These Four Steps

You want a raise? GREAT, so does everyone else!

 Wishing for a raise

Wishing for a raise

There is only one reason to read this post.  You believe deep down inside your belly you deserve to be paid more for your efforts.  I believe you.  You need to make more money.  It’s necessary for you, your spouse, and your family.

Did you know millions of people feel this very same way every day, and yet very few of them go home with the bump they were looking for.  They actually get more depressed because they don’t have a strategy to attack their climb.

So how do we get there?  First off, please stop with the word “deserve” in your plea for more coin.  I “deserve” a raise.  I feel like I deserve to drive a Ferrari, and yet, there is no Ferrari in the garage.  Deserving or not, this won’t get you the bump because it hasn’t produced results yet.

Four Steps to Getting a Pay Raise in 90 Days

  1. Alignment – For 99% of the workforce, getting paid more relies on someone else making the decision to pay you more money.  Therefore, we must understand the goals and visions of our company and more importantly our immediate team.  There isn’t a single manager in the world looking to pay someone more for making them look bad.  To get a raise, you must align your short term goals with goals of your manager or company.  I believe many people miss the mark on getting a better payday because they haven’t invested a minimal amount of time to determine these objectives.  They believe a raise is warranted for being busy, when this couldn’t be further from the truth.  This is the core and first step in claiming more cheddar on a money basis.
  2. Measurable – After you’ve determined two to three company goals you can personally impact, it’s time to add the powerful measurement objective.  If <this action> by <when>, I will receive <what>.  This should feel much better than having the vague conversation with your boss, “Sir, I’d like to discuss a pay raise.”  Also, please don’t think I’m talking to only salespeople.  They have a much easier path to getting a raise.  They should be able to give themselves one with a fair and accountable pay plan.  This advice is for everyone else who isn’t selling.   Lastly, don’t reveal these objectives to your boss just yet.  That’s what step three is for.
  3. Conversational – It is difficult to be in the position of a boss when someone says, “I’d like to discuss a raise.”  I feel it doesn’t put the employee or the employer in a good position for success.  It almost feels adversarial and you’re on the same team (hopefully).  So lets remove the tension and open the conversation.  It could go something like this.  “Mr. Boss Man, I’m looking to advance in my career and I’ve got a couple goals I’d love to share with you.  Do you have a minute?”  Assuming the answer is yes, move forward.  “I know as a company we are extremely focused on objectives 1, 2, and 3 correct?”  Reply – Yes.  “I believe I can positively impact these numbers in a great way in the next 90 days and I have a plan to do so.  In accomplishment of these objectives I’d love to discuss additional compensation for doing so.” Then sit there and shut up.  The conversation will begin and it will be much more organic and creative in terms of opportunities for additional compensation.
  4. CRUSH – Outside of alignment this is the second most missed tactic.  You can’t ask for more money and do mediocre work.  It’s just wrong and will feel extremely more lame to your boss.  If you align your target with the company goals, make it measurable, address it conversationally, but don’t deliver; it’s all for nothing.  You could actually SUCK at #1, 2, and 3 and still possibly get paid by crushing it.  I don’t advise going at it with this lack of planning or focus, but it actually can work and it’s why this is the last step. LEAVE NO DOUBT.  DELIVER.  CRUSH YOUR GOALS.

ACTION ITEM: I need you to start this process this week.  My goal with this post is to help one person, just one person make more money today!  You have 90 days to prove yourself and before you know it, the year will nearly be over.  The next thing I need you to do is share any successes you have with the tribe.  It will mean a great deal to me and the readers hearing from someone putting the practice to work.  Go get it!

244 Likes Later

Landon Ray Keeney

Landon Ray Keeney

On July 30, 2014, my wife and I welcomed Landon Ray Keeney to the world.  A magical moment we will never forget.

About a day later, we let the world know by introducing him on Facebook (is there any other way?).  One day and 244 “Likes” later, we were just as happy before we made the announcement as we were after.  The only thing that really changed were the number of people happy for us.

What does this say about us as a society?  I can tell you what I think it means to me.

Social is a vehicle, not a value.

We live in a wonderful era of communication where we can instantly connect with thousands of people across the world and give them a “status update” on our lives.  But do you really need everyone else’s approval on your life?

I really hope not.

The response of 244 “Likes” will not define my relationship with my new son or our happiness as a family.  What social did do was open up hundreds of wonderful communication opportunities with our closest friends and family to talk about this newest miracle.

ACTION ITEM: Please see social media as a communication tool, and not a scoreboard driving you toward unhappiness or an unfulfilled life.  There is far too much to be thankful for!