You know that moment when you need a bit of encouragement?
Just a little morsel to curb your appetite for quitting…or maybe my own.
I received a few of them this year and I’d love to share them with you. I’m doing this for a couple reasons. The first is because I wanted the tribe to see what it means to tell someone how you or what you’re doing is POSITIVELY impacting someone else’s life. The second (to be totally candid) is selfish. I wanted to get them down so I couldn’t lose them and could resort back to these notes in a time of need.
The first bit of encouragement came in response to a Christmas Thank You I sent out to all Keen Mind subscribers. I was blown away by the response.
It sure has been a wonderful year and I am quite impressed with the evolution of your blog! You continue to push the envelope and provide relevant topics that stretch the mind of your followers. The straight-forward no bullshit approach to address real life situations and how one can make an impact is why you have such a solid group behind you. Keep doing what you’re doing and continually find a way to make this even better!
On a personal note I just wanted to say “thank you.” We’ve had multiple discussions about our careers and by now you probably understand that I look up to you. I’ve always been motivated and passionate about succeeding but needed to find a way to put my stamp on things. The world didn’t know the real “me” but your success and swagger drove me to figure out how to elevate my game.
Over the past few years I’ve done a much better job of that simply by buckling down and focusing on the “essential” things that will help me fulfill my true potential. That means admitting that I didn’t communicate well enough, had no “brand”, and lacked executive presence. I jointed Toastmasters and attended a few Communication Skills trainings that helped me gain a lot of confidence. I eliminated the so called “comfort zone” by putting myself in the best possible situations to be seen, heard, and respected in a whole different way – regardless if I was ready or not. “Act as if” has been a big part of my 360, something that I didn’t just adopt from the movie Boiler Room but I what also I read in your blogs and can see in your eyes.
I refused to fail and not contribute at the level that I know I could. Although I’m not where I want to be I am a hell of a lot closer than I was two years ago. You’ve helped me get to this point and will help me get to where I want to be. So again, thank you for inspiring me to be better. Your blogs, our conversations, and the audiobooks you recommend all are paying dividends. Take care and I hope you enjoy the holidays with your family!
This is THE BEST!
I can tell you this is a different person than a couple years ago. I can feel the surge in confidence just in this writing.
Here is another from a peer of mine who recently took over ownership of a restaurant. A massive step in the direction of his goals. Ownership is awesome, but what he’s doing here is what really made my day.
Zac, I took a leap. We had our first staff meeting since I bought the business a couple weeks ago. I let them know we were going to build on the previous “family culture” and develop a “goal-oriented family culture”.
Meaning, to work at the restaurant and accomplish my goal of building other restaurants in small towns with our culture, I need a staff who understands what it means to set and accomplish realistic and measurable goals.
So, everyone was tasked with coming up with a goal to accomplish by April/May. We’re writing the goals ON the hallway wall in the back of the restaurant so everyone can see them!!! I have been blessed to see this idea start so well. Attached is a picture of our guest entrance in the back. (Kept private for the team members and their goals)
Goal setting, for team members of a restaurant…FANTASTIC.
Lastly this one was a very quick one, but it was from an old client of mine. One whose respect I hoped to earn over the years and I admire the way he goes about his day. It was a simple note he dropped me on LinkedIn one day.
I’m following your daily stuff with action
I’m doing all if it
I just love it !!!
ACTION ITEM: I’m really trying to get better at executing a thought of kindness when it enters my head. I bet I think of 10 cool, yet simple things I can do for people on a weekly basis. I bet I act on one. As with most of my posts and recommendations. Action wins!