I recently returned from a getaway with the Mrs. to Marco Island, FL. We stayed at the JW Marriott, and if you haven’t been…I highly recommend it. Especially the “adults only” side of the resort [Paradise by Sirene]. We relaxed and read by the water. Jet skied with sea turtles. Walked the beautiful beaches, saw a few dolphins, ate delicious meals and generally took in our surroundings with tremendous gratitude.
Needless to say, with no kids present, there is always ample time to think on a retreat of this nature. I always keep my journal near by and this time was no different. Instead of plotting out moves for the next five years (as I’m prone to do), this time I thought to challenge myself with questions to help open up my mind to what possibilities the future could hold. The list below reflects questions about: health, family, fulfillment, wealth building, happiness and much more. I wrote many, but here are ten of my favorites I’m thinking about post-vacation.
- What activity drives you to feel most happy/fulfilled?
- What does my family need from me to be their best selves?
- Where are the wealthy finding opportunity in this high interest rate environment?
- What foods leave me feeling energized and full of vitality?
- What new experiences am I hungry to explore?
- What would I need to do, to make the next 5 months a killer end to 2023?
- Where can I show up more for friends/peers?
- What past drama/trauma am I hanging on to, that I need to let go of?
- What new “micro-habit” will unlock many other doors to progress?
- What stands between where I am now, and where I want to go?
I’ll spend the next few weeks really thinking through and articulating well thought out answers to each of these asks. I’m hopeful the 10 questions above will cause you to pause and do some thinking on your life and trajectory.