Temptation is omnipresent and old as time. Documented from the beginning (Genesis 1) with Adam & Eve. It lives within all of us, in a myriad of ways, every day. I personally wrestle with multitudes of temptation. Instead of hiding from it, why not call it what it is? Because if not identified and controlled, it has the power to destroy.
My goal with facing temptation isn’t to be perfect, but to be aware. I’m an imperfect being(just like everyone reading this), and if I believe what I learn in church, my sins are forgiven (Even though that’s oftentimes hard for me to swallow). I’m also keenly aware I have a v-e-r-y addictive personality and know where the danger of temptation tends to lurk in the shadows.
So lets get real. Where does Temptation show up for me? There are so many ways.
- Gambling – I like to gamble. It’s fun. It gets the blood flowing. I’m also well aware that I could sit at a blackjack table for 20 hours straight and love almost every minute of it. I could bet on a sports event daily…but I don’t because it would become a problem. Small doses tempered with self-aware breaks keep me in line.
- Online Shopping [Ads for Golf Gear or Jordans]… Yes please!! I’ll have one of each. But I learned long ago while living in Chicago to play the game I like to call, “Do I really need this?” and “Will this really make me happy?” I did this traveling into and out of many stores on the famed Million Dollar Mile. That level of pause usually stops credit card swipe and I move on with my life. Anyone on any social media platform fights this temptation daily with ads. Learning the “power of the pause” and stepping away helps me greatly.
- Beauty/Lust – I like a tall, athletic, brunette. I should know, I married one. I can also see thousands of them on Instagram along with bikini clad models should I go looking…and I have. Even better, my friends at Meta can amplify this and are great at showing me 10,000 more, should I spend the time. The major problem with this is, none of them will help me with my marriage and none meet reality. Lighting, posing, editing, makeup, all very tempting. None know a single thing about me and provide really no solve to life’s mysteries. These simple reminders help me pause, and hopefully step away.
- Tobacco – If you’ve followed my chronicles, you know I had a penchant chewing tobacco. I still do actually, but I’m in more control now, not the other way around. That said, if it’s around…I think about it and I’ve slipped up from time to time. I’ve done it as recently this summer. I don’t have to quit forever, I just have to ensure I don’t make a habit of it. If I slip up…forgive and make sure not to replicate tomorrow!!
- Luxury – I’ve earned the gift of financial resources in my life and that comes with a burden of choice. Many things are available, and a singular purchase wouldn’t burden our family. But reason must enter along with temptation. I’ve written about it many times. A new Rolex? Not yet. A new Audi? Sure…but not now. Although very tempting (to my ego), my life won’t get noticeably better. Only my ego grows and that’s dangerous for someone like me.
- Alcohol – The older I get, the less I consume. But I’m also learning more and more about my relationship with alcohol and how my body reacts. I’ve heard it said, “alcohol and money, two things that will make you more of what you already are…just bigger and louder!” I also know there’s a slippery slope for me around 3-4 drinks that ends with me likely feeling like garbage the next day. I haven’t “quit” drinking, but I have cut back and I’m better for doing so.
- Sugar/Poor Diet – This one might seem odd to put on a list of temptation, but if my goal is a healthier body and vitality, poor diet is absolutely the enemy. And this one is REALLY hard as it is soooooo easy to violate nutrition principles multiple times daily. The [Standard American Diet] – SAD as my Dr. at Mayo referred to it, is everywhere!! I’ll enjoy chocolate, and ice cream, and a Dr. Pepper from time to time. I just have to make sure it’s not made routine. Say hello to my good friend moderation!
I listen to Rich Roll and he speaks frequently of his battle with Alcohol and the power of the 12-step recovery. The first principle being, “Admittance he were powerless over alcohol β that his life had become unmanageable.”
The same powerlessness can be said for: Gambling, porn, shopping, lying, sugar, nicotine and the list goes on. Temptation presents itself in a myriad of ways. Maneuvering life alongside temptation requires awareness (not perfection)!
Awareness and Mostly-Good
Perfection in life unattainable. Look at the stories of humankind. Humans have succumb to temptation for thousands of years, and yet…people are mostly good. The bible begins with temptation in Genesis…and still, people are mostly good. Everyone has a vice, and yet…people are mostly good.
One of the things I pay close attention to on this blog is giving advice. I try NOT to do it at all cost because we’ve all come from such unique backgrounds. I will however, tell you what works for me, or how I think about life. As it relates to temptation, my goal is awareness and admittance. Others might consider this surrender. This awareness “most of the time “allows me to interrupt the temptation signal and pause. From there I can ask myself, “What exactly are you doing here?” Or, “is this really what you want to do and are you prepared to live with the circumstances?” From there, I can progress being mostly-good and I can hope to be forgiven for the rest.
No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)