Reconnecting to THE PATH

Last week I was in Chicago for a host of meetings with clients, a Holiday Extravaganza and a Basis Holiday party. By the way, I get the “Holiday” thing, I’m just not used to it. I want to say Christmas Party and it isn’t because I want to offend anyone.

Anyway as I stray from the path of this post, my travels encompassed a few days of eating out, coffee, lunches, cocktails, and a couple late nights (add karaoke). All this sent me traveling back home feeling puffy (inflamed) and needing a good night of sleep. For me, this is a BIG DEAL!

Coincidentally, I stumbled upon this YouTube Video from Jocko Willink with guest Tim Ferriss. Please watch.

“Never Stray from The Way” – from Miyamoto Musashi.

It is the path of discipline and discomfort, but it is the RIGHT path.

Get on the Path. Stay on the Path

You might be asking, what was really different from last week’s travels to this week? I’ll tell you.

  • DIET – I follow a pretty regimented diet. I won’t say entirely strict, but my time at home almost always includes at least one smoothie a day (Purple Smoothie for breakfast), and most days two smoothies. It’s a simple and efficient way for me to consume a ton of fruits and vegetables while maintaining a good diet.
  • EXERCISE – My current rhythm calls for 5-6 days of working out a week. In Chicago I was as effective as the Buffalo Bills in the Super Bowl. (0-3). Zero Peloton rides. Zero push ups/pull ups. Zero runs.
  • MEDITATE – I try and hit at least 1x per day at home. Some days I hit two. When I was traveling I also couldn’t get off zero.
  • SLEEP – It shouldn’t be a shock, but when the three key elements above are met, I sleep well. Not meeting usually I don’t get a restful night of sleep. Anecdotally, mix in a little alcohol and a late night Karaoke session and quality sleep isn’t likely to follow that recipe either.

The elements noted above are the north star guiding my compass to keep me progressing on the The Path. I find this similar to the work I’m doing while reading “The Warrior Book” by Garrett J. White and his Wake Up Warrior Movement. Garrett’s path for all warriors is to “have it all” by mastering: Body, Being, Balance and Business through a focused daily practice.

I know my Path. Following it is entirely about discipline.

Following The Path does three powerful things for me.

  1. It’s a Reset when I’ve strayed from the things that give me the most vitality (usually to a state of low energy)
  2. It generates tremendous momentum. Stacking days on the path leads to a vitality and vigor
  3. The Path = Freedom. I harken this to Jocko’s book: Discipline Equals Freedom.

This personal view also doesn’t account for those things that drive success in my business life or my role as a husband/father. But it does help me show up as the best version of myself.

My ask to any and all readers is to find your path. Be intentional with your efforts and time so you can deliver your best self to all other elements of your life.

This is just like the instructions a flight attendant gives you if/when oxygen masks are deployed during flight. PUT YOUR MASK ON FIRST!! If you can’t give yourself oxygen F-I-R-S-T, your ability to help others is irrelevant. The Path is our oxygen to help ourselves and others!

I’m fortunate to be “off” the next 11 days, and I look forward to owning my Path and catapulting myself into 2023.

~Merry Christmas All