Understanding Discipline Through the Eyes of Nick Saban

Rather fitting this post is about discipline.

I’ve been undisciplined in my effort to share quality thoughts and content at a frequency I’d be proud of to the group. I have no excuse for that.

This one’s for you Scotty M.! Thanks for the recent words of encouragement and the nudge to get it going.

The last couple weeks when traveling I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the Origins Podcast by James Andrew Miller. Specifically I’ve listened and re-listened to the Nick Saban episodes probably four times.

As with most books I read, and podcasts I listen to, I’m left with one powerful thought when I finish. Ok, that’s not really fair. Really it was two thoughts from this series. That said, both thoughts revolve around discipline from the hall of fame coach.

The first thought is how Saban defines discipline. He believes discipline does NOT exist to punish. Discipline (and I believe it is his wife Terry who says this) exists only to change behavior. Think about that for a moment. If you don’t change behavior…discipline is useless.

The second powerful thought on discipline comes from a story, told by ESPN reporter Tom Rinaldi. To better illustrate the story, coach Saban demonstrates the two sides of discipline with two hands when speaking to Tom.

  1. Left Hand – Saban holds up his left hand. On this hand is something you really want to do, but you KNOW you shouldn’t do. Can you keep yourself from doing it?
  2. Right Hand – On the other hand is something you really DON’T want to do…but you know you need to do. Can you MAKE yourself do it.

That is Discipline.

That is life. Choices. Left hand vs. right.

ACTION ITEM: We may not lead lives of perfection. But paying attention to Nick’s demonstration of the left hand and right hand of discipline will lead us down a quality path.

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