It’s my first month recapping my newly refreshed personal scorecard and the most important reflection of any month is two-fold for me.
- How do I feel? (Physically, Mentally, Spiritually)
- Where is my momentum?
I made a few noticeable scorecard changes headed into 2023, all of which draw me closer to creating positive momentum in my life, relationships and general wellbeing. If you’d like, you can catch up on the revision news here [Evolution of the Scorecard].

How do I feel?
As we recap January I feel physically great. To be very candid, I’m actually really tired of the snow and cold weather…but I control neither of those (other than booking the nearest flight to tropical waters). As for what I can control, I worked out 24 times in January. I set (4) PRs on Peloton rides, which I believe is more than any other month since I started riding and even stacked a couple Two-a-Day workouts. I cranked out 1,660 pull ups in my quest to conquer 10,000 annually in 2023. I’ve also been following a more disciplined food regime (I wouldn’t call it a diet). The Wahls Protocol. My ulcerative colitis symptoms are in remission or non-existent and I’m generally sleeping well. Coincidence…or momentum harnessed as a result of the work?
Mentally I also feel like I’m in a great spot. I can’t say I’ve had any real headwinds to battle, other than about this time every year, I get sick of being cold and dark. Winter UGH. I would like to work a little harder on my daily discipline with my mediation work, because when we least expect it…that’s when life sends challenges. That’s why we prepare every day. Work to do here. Easy to do. Easy NOT to do.
Spiritually, I feel pretty good as well. I actually took the time to make note of a few bible verses during recent Orchard Hill sermons and did something I haven’t habitually done, which is return back and read them at a later date and reflect upon what I needed to ingest. The only gap in my “pretty good” response is my wife and I are looking for a more permanent church to call home and to integrate the kids. As with many things, I think some focused action here will win out.
Where is Momentum?
There are times when I feel like I mention or reference momentum too often. There are other times when I feel like it should be talked about much MUCH more. The importance of generating momentum is a critical life skill because we all get knocked off track sooner or later. It’s knowing how to get back on track (quickly) that’s a real life hack! Everyone is looking for “hacks”, so why not figure out what gives you energy and results in jumping out of the blocks quick…like a spry rabbit.
I’m fulfilled with the tailwinds January generated. Beyond the exercise, I’m happy with executing a 24+ hr fast and spending focused “date” time with Mrs. Keeney. We had a couple lunches together and a night out with friends which was so much fun and needed!. Fasting and Date Night were each new additions to my monthly focus, and I’m happy to say each was COMPLETED in January.
Do the work. Get the reward.
It comes as no shock to me I’m feeling energized wrapping up what usually feels like the l-o-n-g-e-s-t month of the year. I identified those essential activities which give me energy and vitally. I completed the necessary efforts with discipline and momentum is my reward. Simple. But not easy.
I leave you with this challenge.
- Where are you with generating momentum in your life?
- What’s keeping you from defining the essential efforts in your life?
- I’ve heard from others who were looking to create similar “Scorecards” – would you be willing to share?
I look forward to hearing from you!